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Lily quickly finished straightening her hair, that was now almost at her lower back. Which reminded her, that she needed to get it cut soon. She looked over her outfit, a pair of light blue jeans and a simple black tank top. Throwing a hoodie on over top for the walk, she slid on her old air forces and followed Annie down to the foyer. Apparently Mark and Ethan were on their way, or that's what Annie said to her.

Once they got down there, they saw the two much larger boys standing there talking, obviously waiting for the two. Lily watched as Annie immediately went to Mark, the two obviously deciding to lead them to the house. Ethan and Lily just looked at the two, then looking back at each other before shrugging. Somehow he got her talking about her school work, which he always thought was a good way to break the ice with anyone that's in university.

Lily eventually asked him about hockey, which you can tell he loves to talk about. She liked listening to people talk about things they were passionate about, it just made her feel good, especially if it's someone she enjoys talking to. Ethan knew he could go on for hours about hockey, but he didn't really want to bore her, especially since they've talked about it before.

" So, how did you start playing lacrosse? Does one of your siblings play or something ",

" No I'm an only child", she shrugged, " I don't know actually, I think I chose it because I didn't wanna play soccer like every other girl I knew. Soccer is fun, but I feel like it's stereotypical for some reason. And lacrosse is pretty fun, especially if you're good at it",

Ethan smiled at the girl, the two following Mark and Annie inside. It was already 10:30, so the house was pretty full. " Can I put my sweater in your room or something",

He nodded, grabbing the sweater from the girl and quickly taking it upstairs and throwing it on his bed. She went to grab a drink while he did that, not wanting to follow him upstairs just to come back down. Ethan made his way to the kitchen, Rutger stopping him and including him in a conversation he was having with some guy. Ethan ended up staying there for a bit, keeping the girl in his sight, not in a creepy way, but to make sure she was okay.

Lily was with Annie and Mark, Luca also joining them. Eventually the two guys left to get more drinks, Annie smiling at her friend. " Is this like your natural habitat? Marks house with his friends?",

Annie rolled her eyes and laughed, " Please, I know you wanna go back to Ethans room.. Again".

The blonde scoffed, smiling at her before walking off. Ethan saw her walk into the other room, immediately wanting to follow her. " Ok bro, just go. Clearly, you are obsessed", Rutger said, shoving him in the direction of where she went. The older boy basically did what he told him to, knowing he was right. He's never been so interested in someone before, but who could blame him, Lily was pretty cool.

Ethan walked into the same room as her, searching like a kid who lost his family in the grocery store. Once he spotted her talking with Duker and Luca, he walked over to them. " Just the guy we were talking about"

He looked at the small group confused, Lily laughing a bit. " Just joking, don't worry". She said, the two guys agreeing as they all continued a conversation.

After a couple hours of meeting new people and hanging out with Ethan, the two girls decided it was time to walk themselves back to their apartment. " We can walk you back, it's like 12 in the morning",

" Mark it's fine trust me, thank you", Annie said, giving the taller boy a hug before throwing her sweater on. That reminded the blonde of the sweater that sat in Ethan's room, which she would like to have for her walk back.

" I just have to get my sweater from Ethan, stay here", she said, trying to find the taller boy. He stood with his friends, the girl standing behind him and tapping him on the shoulder. Ethan looked behind him, fully turning around to face the girl. " I just need my sweater".

He nodded, the two going up to his room that she obviously recognized. Lily smiled, taking the sweater from him and quickly putting it on. " See you around", she said, almost saying it like a question.

" Probably", he said laughing, " Are you and Annie coming to the game on Friday? First one of the season".

" Sure, I'll make her come with me", she smiled, exiting his room as he closely followed. " I'll get a sign and everything", she teased.

Ethan winced dramatically at the thought, " To soon".
Lily just smiled and waved, following Annie out of the large door as they linked arms to walk home.

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