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Lily and Annie stood inside the Yost arena waiting for some of the guys to come out of the change room. They promised them that they would come to the game today, since they hadn't gone to the last couple. Once Mark, Ethan and the rest of the guys that lived in the house came out, everyone headed to the parking lot.

Thankfully most of the guys had driven, since it was snowing like crazy. " Need a ride back?", Ethan asked the girl who nodded. She quickly ran to his car and got into the passenger seat, pulling her hood down and waiting as Ethan put his stuff in his trunk. Once he got into the car, Lily connected his phone and went through the different playlists.

" I was gonna get food, what do you wanna get?",

Lily thought about it for a second, " Panera?", she questioned, Ethan nodding and leaving the parking lot. The two sat in a comfortable silence, then arriving and walking inside. She looked over at the tall boy who stood beside her, still wearing his suit. Lily kind of assumed that Ethan knew about her feelings towards him, but she never really knew how to show it.

" Lily?", he said, a few steps ahead of her at the counter, " what do you want?", he said, the girl apologizing and ordering quickly. The two got their food, sitting at a booth near the window. " You okay?",

" Yeah, why?",

Ethan shrugged, " You were zoned out for a second", he said laughing

Lily laughed, " Thanks for dinner, next time I'm paying",

After they finished eating, the two walked back to the car and drove back to the house. Ethan offered to watch a movie with the girl, but she declined and said she had studying to do. Lily went down to her room, Ethan standing in the kitchen confused. After a few minutes, he went down to the girls room and stood in her door way. " You're sure you're okay?",

" Yes, I'm okay. I just have work to do, promise",

Ethan nodded, closing her door and going back upstairs. Lily grabbed her phone, looking at the text her mom had sent her. It was about her dad, who was in the hospital. She quickly called her once she knew Ethan was gone, her mom answering right away. Lily didn't want to mention it to Ethan, not wanting him to worry. Even though they were just friends, Lily knew that if she told Ethan, he would never leave her alone or stop checking on her. While that sounds like something Lily would want from him, she didn't want it under these circumstances.

Lily told her mom that she would come home right away, but her mom told her to just wait until the break. Her dad had been sick on and off for a couple years, and she usually goes home when it happens. Lily knew she couldn't, especially with exams coming up. Once she said goodbye, she went to Annie's room and sat on her bed. " What's up?",

" my dad is sick again",

Annie sat beside her, quickly wrapping her arms around her best friend. " I'm sorry, Lily. He's gonna be okay, just like he was last time", she said, giving her arm a comforting squeeze. Lily nodded, her eyes beginning to water. Annie continued to hug the girl, who just wiped her eyes and smiled.

" Wanna go to Starbucks in the morning?", she said, Annie nodding. " Also, don't tell anyone in the house about my dad, especially not Ethan". Annie nodded, Lily exiting her room and going into the bathroom to get herself ready for bed.



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lilp lifeComments

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lilp life

edwards.73 ❄️🥺
  lilp .

rutgermcgroarty 👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅
  markestapa um?



Literally have zero ideas for this book, comment some!!

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