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Ethan drove Lily around, since she had to get a bunch of things for herself. He followed her around Target, pushing the cart. " You're like a kid", she said laughing, throwing random things in the cart. Ethan just shrugged, finally following her to the checkout. Over two hundred dollars later, they put the bags into his car and drove back to the house, " Thanks for driving me around, E. Means a lot",

" Anytime", he smiled, parking his car in the driveway and helping her carry the bags inside. Mark and Luca stood in the kitchen, throwing grapes in each others mouthes.

" Holy shit, Lily. Did you forget your whole room at home?", Luca joked. Lily rolled her eyes and smiled at him, following Ethan downstairs. The two put everything on her bed, Lily telling him to take certain things to the bathroom and where to put them.

" You literally owe me like, twenty movie nights for this", Ethan said, dropping onto her bed as she put the last of her stuff away. Lily nodded and laughed, landing beside him. The two layed there, her head on the boys chest as they just scrolled on their phones, enjoying the company of each other. " When does your lacrosse start?",

" Like beginning of March, I'm so excited", she said against his chest, not bothering to lift her head to talk to him. Ethan wrapped his one arm around her waist, still interested in whatever he was reading on his phone. " Don't you have a class now?",

He shrugged slightly, " Would rather stay here than go",

" E, you have to go to class. We can hangout later", she said getting up, dragging him off her bed. " Seriously, you're going. I'll be here when you get back", Ethan nodded, quickly going upstairs to get his bag and leaving the house.


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lilp never again @markestapa @lucafantilli

markestapa wholesome

lucafantilli ur jealous?

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