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   Ethan walked out of the bathroom, heading towards him and Lily's room. The door was locked, the boy knocking a few times. " Close your eyes", the girl said as she barely cracked the door open. Ethan sighed, shutting his eyes as she fully opened the door. Lily grabbed his hand, leading him into the room and shutting the door behind them.

" I'm slightly scared, are you killing me?",

Lily laughed, " Not unless you have something to confess", she said. Ethan shook his head, " Then no, I'm not. Ok, open your eyes",

The taller boy opened his eyes, looking at all of the presents on the bed. " Lily, I thought you said you had a limit", he joked, Lily shrugging.

" I tried, honestly. But I couldn't decide", she smiled. " Go, open them". Ethan began opening the presents, receiving a bunch of new hoodies, and a new hat. " I got the one sweater cause I like it, don't be fooled".

Ethan mumbled an ' of course', smiling at the girl. He opened the last gift, it being new hockey gloves. " Are you serious", he asked excitedly like a little kid. It had his last name and number on the side, Lily shrugging nonchalantly. " Thank you so so much, you didn't have to get all of this",

" I wanted to, you deserve it", Lily smiled, " Happy birthday, E". Ethan wrapped his arms around the girl, immediately placing his lips onto hers. Lily was more than happy to somewhat spoil Ethan for his birthday, especially since he was probably the most important person in her life. " As much as I would love to continue, we have to go with everyone on the boat. Per your request for your birthday", Lily smiled, placing another quick kiss on his lips before exiting the room.

The two walked out to the boat, seating themselves at the back. It was only around 12, so they would probably spend the majority of their afternoon on the boat. The guys began talking about something that Annie and Lily weren't interested in, since Annie was sitting beside her.

" Did he like his gifts?",

Lily nodded and smiled, " He loved them. I'm so happy that we get to do this stuff together, and our boyfriends are best friends", Annie agreed. This is basically what they've always wanted, and they've always wanted to do it together.

" Me too, and I'm glad to see you so happy. Even though you and Ethan make me literally sick, I'm happy",
Annie wrapped her arms around her best friend, Lily placing her head on her shoulder as they just ignored the guys around them.

This was what they have always wanted in life, their friends, their school, and their boyfriends, obviously. They both knew they couldn't ask for anything more, or be any happier.



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lilypaige happy birthday E, I love you ❣️❣️Comments

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lilypaige happy birthday E, I love you ❣️❣️

edwards.73 ur probably the loml
   lilypaige i am going nowhere

markestapa im sick.

dylanduke25 i genuinely support you
  edwards.73 do we need ur support or something??

annierout my Roman Empire

edwards.73 I love you more ☺️❣️
  lilypaige don't lie

rutgermcgroarty parents 😳😳


the end!!!!!

hopefully u guys liked this book, thank u sm for all the reads and votes it means sm💌💌

lmk if u guys have anyone else you want me to write a book abt, so comment!!

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