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  Lily followed her parents into the restaurant they were having dinner at, since she was leaving for Marks lake house in a few days. " So, are you excited for your little trip?", her dad asked, looking at his menu. Lily nodded, drinking from the glass of water on the table, " We thought you'd spend the whole summer at home",

" Oh honey, she isn't gonna not see her friends all summer", her mom spoke, shaking her head softly. " We hope you have a good time, hon",

Lily smiled, " Yeah I'm excited. I miss Annie",

" And your boyfriend?", her dad joked, Lily also nodding. " You must really like him, you always told us you were never the relationship type",

" I do, he's awesome", Lily nodded, smiling at the thought of Ethan, " You guys would really like him. He likes to talk", her mom laughing. The family ordered, mostly talking about Lilys experience at school. Her parents never expected her to stay near home, since she was always out with friends or doing something on her own. Lily was glad her parents weren't the type to restrain her from going on her own and figuring her own stuff out, and that they didn't try and do it for her.

The thought of not meeting the friends she has now, not meeting Annie, and not meeting Ethan, almost scared her. Obviously she would have a completely different life, but she couldn't imagine her life with different people. That's partially why she was so excited to go to the lake house, since she hadn't seen the people she's used to seeing literally everyday, since she lived with most of them. " And you're sure you don't want your apartment back next year?",

Lily looked at her dad, " I'm sure. I like the house, plus, it's free", she shrugged, her mom agreeing. At first, her dad was unsure about her living with mostly guys, but once Lily showed him that she totally enjoyed it, he didn't mind. Once the three finished their food, they made their way back to the car to head back to their house.


bitch I'm so ready for
this lake house

I'm so excited I can't


eager to share a bed with

I thought we were sharing..


I'm with ethan we established
this before everyone left

ok thanks for keeping me
in the loop I guess?🥺



sounds good

see u extremely soon🥰

counting down the seconds
on my feet😎

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now