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The group of teenagers all hung out on the boat, enjoying the warm Michigan heat. " So Eddy, your birthday is next week, what's the plan?",

Ethan shrugged at Duker, " Can't we just hangout?",

" Sounds like a plan to me", Mark said, giving him a thumbs up. Ethan nodded, all of them watching Rutger wake surf behind the boat. He fell into the water, Luca immediately dying.

" Rut, you said you were experienced", Luca said laughing as he climbed back onto the boat.

" You try then, oh wait you did and fell immediately", Rutger said back. Luca rolled his eyes. " Your turn Ed",
Ethan groaned, standing up from his spot at the front of the boat.



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edwards.73 summer 🤙🏻
tagged: lilypaige

lilypaige ☺️☺️

markestapa i confirm this failed right away
  edwards.73 ok stop sign 🛑

dylanduke25 nice and fun times

annierout was this fun
  lilypaige yes
     markestapa that's good bc we had to go around 12     
                                 times so u could do it!



this book is prob almost over!!

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now