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Lily stood in the washroom, rinsing her face with cold water to wake herself up. After her somewhat conversation with Ethan last night at the beer pong table, she knew she wouldn't be apologizing to him. She wasn't mad, she just doesn't understand why he keeps lying to her about stupid stuff. She hoped that he would talk to her today, and apparently her prayers were answered when she jumped at his reflection behind her in the mirror. " Jesus, you scared me", Lily said, genuinely confused how he got in without her noticing.

" Can we talk?",

" Not in the bathroom", she said, the two walking to her room. Lily continued with doing her skincare, Ethan sitting at the end of her bed which was close enough to her desk. She waited for him to start talking, looking over at him slightly. " What do you wanna talk about?",

" You know what I want to talk about", He said right away, Lily shrugging. " I know you're upset or mad at me", receiving a nod from her once he said that. " I did lie about saying I had practice, I was at Jacks place, which is where you saw my car. I was only there because I was trying to do something for you and I asked him for help since he has a girlfriend",

Lily looked at him confused, " What are you trying to do?", she said laughing, Ethan shrugging. " Now you aren't gonna tell me?",

" Um no, you can wait", Ethan nodded. " But I'm sorry for lying, and if it seems like I've been weird. I'm sorry",

" Are you sure this is it? Like are you sure you just don't want some space or something cause I get it if that's"-

" What, no. That's not what I want, at all. Like the complete opposite. I swear, I don't want space or anything like that", Ethan said quickly, standing up and making his way over to the girl. Lily nodded, Ethan grabbing the girls hand and pulling her out of the chair at her desk. " I'm literally crazy for you, do you not notice or?",

Lily shrugged, " Eh", she teased, placing her lips onto the boys. She felt Ethan's smirk, slightly rolling her eyes before pulling away. " I'm ordering food, want anything?"


role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now