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edwards.73 before all the snow melted 💁🏻‍♂️

markestapa cant believe u post these

lilypaige my bsf
  edwards.73 ouch

annierout will never get over u both like istg
  edwards.73 we can tell

rutgermcgroarty almost Christmas
   lilypaige for sure rutger

dylanduke25 awh
  lucafantilli anyways duker I love you

seamuscasey stop 🛑
  edwards.73 sign 🪧

mirandatwine ethan finally w a girl
  edwards.73 don't be surprised
      mirandatwine how could I be

Annie shower Lily the comments, the blonde shrugging. " It's probably nothing, I'm not worried about it", Lily said to her, Annie just nodding as they walked to the campus for their classes. They walked past a bunch of the university houses, Annie swearing she saw Ethan's car in one of the driveways.

" Was that his car back there?", she said to the girl, Lily looking back and scoffing.

" Annie why are you trying to get me upset at him. It's not his car, what's your deal?", Lily asked, starting to get annoyed.

" I'm not, I just thought it was. I don't want you to be mad at him, sorry",

Lily just nodded, the two going their separate ways. The blonde texted ethan, wanting to see what he was up to. She got no response, not helping with what Annie was saying to her. She knew her friend didn't mean any harm, it was just Lily taking it to far.



wanna pick me up from class and get

Can't sorry

Practice soon

Oh okok

See u later?



Lily put her phone in her pocket, knowing they didn't have a practice today. She walked back to the house, passing the same house with the same car in the driveway. She didn't want to seem creepy, but she looked into the driver side window, seeing the boys school bag in the passenger seat. Lily sighed, continuing her walk home and sitting at the kitchen counter to finish up some homework so she could have a free weekend. " Hey Lily, party tonight. You in?", Rutger asked, Lily nodding before he headed back downstairs.

Once she finished, she headed downstairs to have a shower and start to get herself ready for the night. Ethan still hadn't come back, which made her slightly upset. " Hey Rut, is Ethan coming tonight?", She asked, seeing the boy walk by her room.

" Yea I think so, he'll probably meet us there. Said he had a class", Rutger smiled, the girl nodding. Lily straightened her hair, putting on her usual make up before finding an outfit. After throwing on a pair of light blue jeans and a black top that tied at the back. Annie told her they were leaving, the two girls heading upstairs to walk to the house with the guys.

After being at the party for about an hour, Ethan finally showed up. He said hi to all of his teammates, seeing Annie in the kitchen and asking where Lily was. " I think she's playing beer pong with Rutger", she nodded, Ethan thanking her and heading into the dining room. Lily stood beside Rutger, the two laughing about something as they waited for their opponents to take their turns. Rutger said hi to the older boy, Ethan smiling at him. Lily didn't acknowledge him, feeling the boys eyes on the side of her face. Before Ethan could say anything, she quickly looked at him.

" Good practice today?",

Rutger looked confused, looking at Lily. " We didn't have practice today", he said, Ethan looking at the boy. Rutger somehow figured it out, minding his business and taking his turn.

" Could we talk?", Ethan said to the shorter girl, who took her turn and watched as Rutger threw the ball.

" Whose house were you at? I passed your car on the way to class",

Lily wasn't even looking at him, Ethan mentally cursing to himself. " Just a guy from one of my classes, so you're spying on me now?",

" Please", she scoffed, " I walked my usual way to campus, don't flatter yourself. Don't care that much",

Ethan rolled his eyes, walking away from the girl who let a deep breath out once he was gone. " You okay?", rutger asked, Lily nodding. " I'm sure he's got a good reason, maybe talk to him",

" I will, I just need a bit. He didn't need to lie", Lily said quietly, high fiving Rutger as they won the game.

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now