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Lily and Maisie sat in the living room, Annie not back from her class yet. It was only the second week of school, and it felt like it had been going on forever.

" So you saw him last night?", Maisie asked, the blonde nodding. " And you guys talked for most of the night", receiving another nod. " That's all?",

" You say that like it's nothing. At least we talked, last time we literally just went to his room, so I'm impressed with myself", Lily laughed, Maisie understanding.

They watched a movie on the tv, Annie eventually coming home. " You're oddly happy",

" Mark walked me home, that's why I took so long", she said jumping up and down. Maisie scoffed, Lily clapping happily for her.

" When is it my turn", Maisie groaned, her two friends laughing. They all hung out for awhile, before Lily had to go to practice. She got changed, grabbing her bag and saying goodbye to her friends before walking to the athletic building.


As she opened the large doors, looking down at her phone, she bumped into a large figure and she quickly apologized.

" Oh hey",

Lily immediately recognized the deep voice, looking up and seeing Ethan who was already looking at her. " Hey",

" What're you doing here?", he said, the girl rolling her eyes.

" I have lacrosse. What are you doing here?",

He shrugged, " Just had to meet up with some guys from the team. See you around?",

Lily nodded, quickly going to the room where all of the girls lockers were. She shook her head, trying to ignore the fact that she has seen him 3 times in the last five days.



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