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  Chapter 3: Scavenging in the Mountains
  I really don't understand why I can't open this door even though I can't see where the lock is.

  "Give way, give way, give way."

  Lin Luyan squeezed into the crowded crowd and shook off the rough hands that were pulling the door open. "Master, be gentle, you will have to pay for the damage to the door."

  Although it was a little broken, the little It's a bit old, but this is her precious refuge. What if it gets damaged by these careless people? She can't even afford to pay for it!
  "I think some of them can't open it, so I'll give it a try. This door is really strange. It's obviously not locked, but it can't be opened no matter how hard I try." The

  strong man touched the back of his head with his fat hand and smiled naively. Laughing, the fat on his face trembled violently, "Little girl, you are so worried about this door, so does this store belong to you?" The noisy

  melon-eaters around them all fell silent when they heard the strong man's words. Come down.

  This restaurant that suddenly appeared in the morning was really strange. They had never seen a building built overnight.

  A college student who passed by half a minute ago told them that the complete building can be transported here through 3D modeling without laying a foundation.

  The elders and aunts sitting on the stone piles were fanning themselves hard with the fans they made, crossing their legs, looking in all directions and listening to all directions, trying to collect all the gossip into the information database in their minds.

  I had nothing to do. I saw passers-by taking a few glances at the small restaurant. I absorbed and sorted out the original words I had heard others say before, and took the initiative to answer their questions: "If you pick something up in the mountains, no one wants it if you put it on the mountain

  . Someone else picked it up and transported it here in a big truck."

  The passers-by nodded in agreement. Although the uncle and aunt were quite old, they had quite a wide range of knowledge. Look at this level of rags, they were indeed picked up in the mountains.

  The uncles and aunts who popularize knowledge are also relatively modest and do not take the credit for themselves. "This is what a kind young man told us. As expected of someone who has gone to college, he knows a lot.

  " According to legend, the small restaurant that appeared overnight was inexplicably given a legitimate reason that was very reliable but felt that something was wrong.

  With so many eyes focused on her, Lin Luyan dared to admit that the restaurant belonged to her in public. She shook her head like a rattle and denied it repeatedly, with a trace of imperceptible panic flashing in her eyes.

  She clearly remembered that the door was not transparent yesterday and could not see the situation inside at all. Why was it like this today?

  From her perspective, the tall wooden table at the front desk was very obvious.

  The focus of this group of people was entirely on the "lock". In order to verify another thing, Lin Luyan found a short-haired aunt who was not talkative and loyal. She leaned over and asked her quietly, "Auntie, what do you think of the layout inside? Is there anything ordinary?" Do you look like you are eating in a restaurant?"

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