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  Chapter 37 Soldier's Notice
  Chunxiu was wearing work clothes, with her back on her back and makeup egg in her hand. She was applying delicate makeup. People coming in from the outside could only see her slightly curved back.

  Qin Simu winked and asked Chen Xue to come out. He had something to ask.

  "Brother, I'm really sorry for yesterday. There is someone behind Chunxiu, and I can't afford to offend him. Here, this is your superpower card. As long as superpowers can enter the place in the base, you can use this card. "

  The two of them walked to a place dozens of meters away from the [Resident Center]. An apologetic Chen Xue bowed and apologized repeatedly. She knew that she was not honest in this matter, but she really didn't dare to do it in the previous situation.

  After going to work today, she kept the card in Chunxiu's blind spot, waiting for the man to come to her.

  Fortunately, when Qin Simu came over, Chunxiu had no time to pay attention to her situation. This woman didn't know why she was crazy. She said that she had spent most of her savings to buy all the beauty supplies and was about to live a good life.

  So now, Chen Xue can tell the man in detail what to pay attention to when using the superpower card.

  "Superpower cards can be upgraded. The specific upgrade channels are written on the panel of the D-level area of ​​[Territory Center]. When you meet the conditions, a staff member will take the initiative to help you upgrade." "By the way, you don't have to

  . You are worried about losing the card. Even if you leave it at home, you can summon it at any time. However, you still have to remind you that the card is always with you. If an ordinary person takes your card and pretends to be a person with powers, you will be finished if it is found out. ."

  Qin Simu nodded. What Chen Xue and Wang Jianjun said were pretty much the same. They should have told him everything they knew and could be trusted for the time being.


  In the residential building, Lin Luyan and the four of them sat eagerly. A large pot and washed and cut ingredients were placed on the dining table, waiting for Qin Simu to come back and start the stove.

  Everyone was still frightened by the human trafficking incident that occurred in the base last night. The remaining four of them either had no powers or were too old.

  It's really not suitable to go out before you understand the specific situation.

  The task of finding out the news fell entirely on Qin Simu, a person with dual abilities of fire and ice.

  The copper door made a crisp sound, and the black cloth shoes stepped in earlier than the man.

  After the door closed, Lin Luyan couldn't wait to ask Shuguang Base if there were any clues about the second-level zombies.

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