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  Chapter 40 Room 403

  "Since she is willing to say it in front of you, she must have included you in the harmless group. I can tell you this only because I have her acquiescence in disguise." The mother walked holding hands

  . In just fifteen minutes, the two women peeked at Lin Luyan dozens of times. Several times they wanted to ask whether her face was a result of acquired processing or her own appearance.

  If it's the former, they really want to learn.

  Because of my scruples, I chose to remain silent.

  The mother and daughter are naturally good-looking, and they are very cautious when going out, wearing masks and veils. When people ask, they only say that it is a strange and ugly skin disease.

  When the soldiers came to notify them yesterday, they warned them sternly that even if they show their disgusting faces tomorrow, they must not have any cover, otherwise they will not be able to eat and walk around.

  Then Xiaoli summoned a few of them, showed a frightened expression that she had never seen before, and told them that tomorrow must be as ugly as possible.

  Otherwise... you will die.

  The mother and daughter, who couldn't hide their good looks without make-up, were so worried that they didn't sleep well all night. They got up early in the morning and smeared their faces black, rubbed the dirt, which made it slightly red, and then stuck it on their faces like abscesses. They didn't look closely. Hard to spot.

  When they found the makeup artist standing next to Zhang Jun, their faces turned pale and they were trembling with fear.

  The person opposite was a well-known makeup artist who had appeared on TV. Women all love beauty. They stayed up late to follow her variety show, hoping to learn more beauty tips.

  Fortunately, the five people in front of them caused severe discomfort to Zhang Jun and the makeup artist due to their disgusting appearance, and they happened to be next to Qin Simu. Zhang Jun waved them away without even looking at them.

  Otherwise, with the makeup artist's many years of experience, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that there is something wrong with their faces, and the consequences would be disastrous.

  So when they followed Lin Luyan and others out of the sight of the soldiers, they wanted to find an opportunity to ask.

  I always feel that no one would be so ugly, and it must be through some means.

  The curiosity in her heart deepened, so when Lin Luyan was talking to Yang Caijin, her mother Tang Qing pulled her daughter Tang Tang over and asked this embarrassing question.

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