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  Chapter 42 Signing the Agreement
  clears their hearing.

  This voice explained for dozens of minutes, from the establishment of the base to Zhang Jun's rebellion and the harsh detention of the base director.

  Regret, helplessness, mixed with deep regret.

  It was obviously less than two months, but it seemed like it had gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes.

  If he could go back in time, he would not choose to give up power and give most of the base management authority because of Zhang Jun's subordinates' "unintentional" discrimination against the mute people.

  By the time he reacted, the opponent had been nourished into the biggest moth in Dawn Base, corroding the entire base.

  In order to regain full control of the Shuguang Base, he secretly recruited many kind-hearted and righteous superpowers such as Yang Caijin and Xiaoli. However, Zhang Jun's strength was too strong. Even so, he could not have a 20% certainty.

  It was not until noon the day before yesterday that a prompt popped up on the management panel, giving him hope again. There should be more than 50% chance of successfully dealing with Zhang Jun.

  Similar to a restaurant, Chai Yisan can receive reminders of superpowers entering the base, but only after they consume crystal cores at the base can they get specific information about their superpowers.

  The strangest thing about Qin Simu and his party is that Zhang Juan and Liu Zhixing never go out to spend money, so Chai Yisan cannot directly know their powers. As for Qin Simu, who used crystal cores to rent a house, Chai Yisan didn't know what type of superpower he was.

  As for Lin Luyan, she seems to be the most inconspicuous, but she is the backbone of the five-person team.

  From the moment she stepped into Shuguang Base, Chai Yisan's management panel flashed dozens of times, constantly warning him that there were operators of the same level in the base, so be careful.

  The team of superpowers at Dawn Base often go out on missions, but there has been no news of a new base nearby.

  Chai Yisan was more surprised than worried about Lin Luyan's arrival.

  Even though he knew that other base commanders must have other ulterior motives when entering his base, he felt very happy.

  Even if Lin Luyan doesn't want to cooperate with him, she probably won't be stupid enough to team up with the evil-hearted Zhang Jun. The best situation is for the two base leaders to join forces, and the worst situation is just a three-legged confrontation to check and balance each other. That will be better than the current situation. Things are much better.

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