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  Chapter 5 Restaurant Layout
  "Ms. Lin, you mean that this restaurant will be a refuge that everyone yearns for in the future. I can obtain temporary residency here on the condition that I help you deal with the monsters outside. In the end, it is up to you. Last hit?"

  Lin Luyan said "hmm" and then emphasized with emphasis, "This restaurant is mine. I can control everything in it, including people. If you agree to this cooperation, just walk in from the outside. If you don't agree, If so, please leave directly."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Simu felt dizzy in his mind, and it took a while before he regained consciousness.

  The place where I stood turned into the land outside the restaurant, empty and indescribably lonely.

  This is so amazing...

  The shrill roars of zombies not far away could be heard intermittently. Qin Simu patted his dusty sleeves, chuckled, opened his long legs, and stepped in without hesitation.

  He understood what Lin Luyan meant. Once he chose the path of cooperation, if he had any thoughts that he shouldn't have, she had plenty of ways to deal with him.

  For example, throwing him outside while sleeping late at night.

  He was obviously afraid, but because he wanted to protect himself, he pretended to be extra strong, like the wildly growing peony spider plant he once planted.

  No matter how much it was destroyed by Qin Silei, it still grew vigorously.

  He was not disgusted with getting along with such people, on the contrary, he was curious.


  Returning to his original position, Qin Simu put his hands on his knees, with his back to the door, his long, thin legs bent, and he calmed down, curiously examining the furnishings in the room.

  The items displayed in the restaurant are ordinary objects that are familiar in daily life. But in fact, there are many mysterious forces hidden that cannot be explained by science.

  He was very grateful to Lin Luyan for giving him a stable temporary residence when he was abandoned by his closest family members and decided to survive desperately.

  Even if this woman has her unspeakable secrets.

  Anxious to spy on the changes in the new restaurant, Lin Luyan asked Qin Simu not to move around, then concealed her inner excitement and walked to the back kitchen of the restaurant.

  The rapid footsteps beneath her body exposed the extreme unrest in her heart at the moment.

  The simple and old single-story building suddenly became so big. As a business owner, she was looking forward to the layout of the three-story building.

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