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  Chapter 29 Set off,

  the previous experience of low IQ in Shuguang Base was mentioned again, and the feeling of social death came to mind. Yu Min nodded bitterly, but it happened that it was because of his former second grade that he had the fate to gather with these people in the restaurant. .

  If he had been healthy that day, he would not have been rejected by the Dawn Base rescue team. As an ordinary person with no special powers and no backing, he might be bullied in the base.

  The little girl, who was carefully dressed up by Wang Li and Xu Xiaojing, had many pigtails on her forehead and the back of her head, and her pink and chubby cheeks looked cute.

  The little short legs were wandering around, carrying a colorful cup of milk tea, taking a few steps and taking a sip. The little look was so satisfying.

  Poking the man's arm on the armrest of the wooden chair, Qi Xiaoxin chuckled, "Brother Yu Min, you have really gotten fatter here. Grandma Zhang said that you are the only one who has gained weight after everyone stayed in the restaurant for so many days."

  " Huh? Really?" Yu Min looked down at his figure and made a few gestures, but he didn't feel that he had changed much.

  Liu Zhixing stared at the milk tea in the little girl's hand and became a little greedy. He asked Liu Cheng to get him a cup too.

  Not to mention, that girl named Wang Li is really good at making desserts and drinks, and he is almost addicted to them.

  Seeing Lin Luyan coming in their direction, Yu Min stopped her and asked about future travel for the third time. The reply he got the first two times was "Soon", but he didn't know how fast "soon" meant.

  The reason why she was so anxious was because Lin Luyan restricted everyone in the restaurant from going out for five consecutive days! Yu Min, who was eager to buy the superpower fruit as soon as possible and activate his superpowers, had already flown to the pile of zombies outside, wanting to chop a few times.

  Not long ago, Qin Simu, who had fully recovered, brought all the superpowers in the restaurant to fight in a remote factory on the outskirts of the city.

  On that day, the ice system massacred the city, harvested space, completely eliminated the hidden danger of zombies underground in the factory, and harvested thousands of first-level crystal nuclei.

  Strangely, hundreds of boxes of arms were missing, and there was no trace of human handling.

  There is no trace of the zombie that seriously injured Qin Simu. It is probably the only second-level zombie that Qin Simu and the others have ever encountered. Unfortunately, there is no way to verify its level.

  Qin Simu knew that the restaurant had an almost impossible gambling agreement regarding the "overspeed" mode. The most difficult one was for Lin Luyan to personally kill a level 2 zombie and obtain its level 2 crystal core.

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