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  Chapter 30 Entering the city
  Qin Simu stepped forward, separated the soldiers from paying attention to Lin Luyan, and said: "We are from Taoyan Village. We ran away after eating the food at home. We happened to come here and wanted to ask my eldest brother, how can we get in? This should be Is it the base broadcast on the radio?"

  The restaurant's radio is placed in the lobby on the first floor. It is powered 24 hours a day and will intermittently broadcast the location of the shelter (base, safe zone) in the apocalypse.

  Lin Luyan didn't pay much attention to it in her last life, but what she saw and heard in this life increased, and she wanted to know who was behind the radio.

  Therefore, Qin Simu's last words were made deliberately.

  After hearing this, the soldier immediately said smugly: "That's natural. Our base is the best refuge in the apocalypse. There are countless people with superpowers. You don't have to worry about safety. There is food, drink, and shelter. As long as you are willing to work hard." If you do it, you can live peacefully."

  This rhetoric can completely poke at the weakness of ordinary people who are struggling to survive. They are struggling outside and just want to find a place that can accommodate their lives.

  Then, the five people who were used to staying in restaurants were not fooled by the soldiers' rhetoric, but they still had a grateful look on their faces and excitedly wanted to go in immediately.

  The performance of these people increased the soldiers' arrogance. The two of them could basically conclude that the five new people in front of them should not have special powers, otherwise they would not look like country bumpkins who have never seen the world.

  The captain had warned them before that they must ask if the person coming has any superpowers and make sure they are ordinary people. As long as no one is killed, they can do whatever they want, but if they are people with superpowers, they must be cautious.

  In the eyes of the soldiers, these old, weak, sick and disabled people were not looked down upon at all. However, Lin Luyan, a pockmarked girl, turned off the lights and sent her to the client's bed, so as not to let them see how ugly her face was, she secretly sold her a few times. You should be able to make a lot of money.

  To be on the safe side, routine questioning.

  "Are there any superpowers among you?"

  Qin Simu coughed lightly, and a ball of ice briefly appeared in the air under his control. This time it was pure ice without dripping water, and the ice cube was in a more condensed state. Firm and firm.

  The other two superpowers did not reveal their superpowers because Liu Cheng told them that in Shuguang Base, once a psychic or space superpower is discovered, they will be forcibly collected by Deputy Base Chief Zhang Jun and returned to the base. For your own use.

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