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  Most of the answers from this group of people were similar to the situations of Xu Xiaojing and Qin Simu. They basically woke up suddenly in a dangerous environment.

  Therefore, Lin Luyan inferred based on this information that the surge of personal heartbeat and adrenaline in extreme environments may achieve the desired results.

  The fox's cave is now the best testing ground for stimulating supernatural powers.

  Vision, touch, hearing... all destroy the spirit of the person who enters the cave to varying degrees. If Lin Luyan's guess is true, he will enter a state of supernatural awakening within a short time.

  Ten minutes passed. Apart from flesh, bones, and broken clothes, Qin Simu and the others found nothing else.

  Lin Luyan, who has a small mind, walked around alone holding a torch. Everything around her was scarier than the dark script assassinations and horror chambers she had played before, and her heart was ups and downs like a vertical roller coaster.

  His consciousness has always been online, and he has no tendency to fall into coma.

  Helplessly holding her forehead, Lin Luyan's mood was a little heavy, so much so that she ignored the burning and caring gaze from behind.

  Why can others awaken their powers, but she, a reborn person, can't?

  Lin Luyan felt even sadder when she thought about the superpower fruit planted on the rooftop of the restaurant.

  Many people are flocking to the magical fruit that can resist zombie transformation and enable people to activate supernatural powers, but it has a fatal drawback.

  The superpower fruit is ineffective for restaurant operators, which means that if Lin Luyan eats this fruit, it will only have the effect of filling her stomach.

  Cheating setting.

  Gu Hua, who was leaning against the light of Sun Cheng's torch, looked around among these people, guessing their relationship, and struck up a conversation with Sun Cheng intentionally or unintentionally, pretending to mention Tang Qing, Lin Luyan, and Qin Simu casually. Find out what kind of abilities they have.

  After hanging out with Zhang Siqi and others in the ore factory for a few days, Sun Cheng was no longer the innocent boy he used to be. He would always put up his defensive armor and be wary of others harming him.

  With a few questions raised by Gu Hua and a few twists and turns, you can guess the real purpose behind him.

  Sun Cheng heard it, but he also knew that the other party was a powerful superpower, and his fire superpowers were ranked among the best in Dawn Base, so he couldn't offend him in person.

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