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  Chapter 71 Dual systems? !
  Qin Simu stretched out his hands, and the butcher's hand took the fire blade and ice blade.

  The two attacks whirled and danced in his hands, becoming larger and larger. He changed his hands and changed direction. The ice blade flew towards Bai Zhuo, and the fire blade sprayed towards Huang Mao.

  "Not good." Huang Mao and Bai Zhuo immediately mobilized their abilities and used ice/fire to resist.


  Two piles of abilities exploded in the air, and the first round was barely a draw.

  "Everyone come together and let him die!" Huang Mao was angered by Qin Simu's arrogance. His upper and lower teeth rubbed angrily, and the anger in his whole body was aroused.

  The younger brother behind him heard the order and quickly surrounded Qin Simu, and all the supernatural powers in his hands were directed towards him.

  Qin Simu dodged them one by one.

  The speed superpower wielded two swords and stepped forward quickly, hoping to catch Qin Simu off guard.

  The ice shield appeared, and the long knife slashed across it without even leaving a mark on it.

  A bag full of powder flew out of Huang Mao's pocket and threw it towards Qin Simu, a treacherous smile flashed on his face.

  This is the nemesis of superpowers, the strange poison developed by Wu Qiu.

  In an instant, Qin Simu's eyes changed.

  He originally wanted to give them a chance to turn a new leaf and help the base kill zombies for the sake of the other party being a superpower, but venomous snakes are venomous snakes after all, cold-blooded animals that cannot be raised well.

  The moment Huang Mao threw out the strange poison, in Qin Simu's eyes, he was no different from a dead person.

  Several ice walls rise from the ground, thick and strong.

  It completely blocked the shattered powder in mid-air, but instead fell on the nearby yellow-haired boys due to the rebound of the ice wall.

  "Ah, boss, I feel something is wrong with my superpower. It seems to be running around, ahhh!" "

  What is this? My body seems to be exploding."

  "Boss, save me, I feel so uncomfortable... "

  Huang Mao was so angry that he stiffened his fists. What kind of strange thing is this man with a Chinese character face? He is actually so strong.

  The man under his hand was rolling on the ground in pain, and Huang Mao shouted angrily: "Wu Qiu, I saw you hiding in the bus, get out of here quickly and take out the antidote!"

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