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  It was really them. The little devils were actually still alive, and their clothes were many times newer than theirs. Their faces were still fair and white, and they seemed to be living a good life.

  He is truly destined to be rich and noble.

  A hint of calculation flashed in Wang Chunfang's eyes. If it was profitable, he could climb on them again to make the Wang family live more comfortably in the base.

  The restaurant service provided by Qi Yining and Qi Xiaoxin was very good. The two waiters served with smiles throughout the whole process, which was comparable to Haidilao.

  "Ah, it hurts." Qi Xiaoxin was startled by Wang Chunfang who rushed up and pinched her wrist hard, causing an obvious red mark to appear on her fair skin.

  "Let go of my sister, you bad woman."

  Wang Chunfang's eyes were quite hurt. She excitedly pulled Qi Xiaoxin to reminisce about the past. Why did she become a bad woman?

  In the past, Qi Xiaoxin enjoyed making noises in her arms the most.

  The Qi brothers and sisters made a lot of noise here. Lin Luyan at the front desk immediately raised her eyes and yelled at Wang Chunfang to stop.

  How dare you attack her people on her territory!

  Lin Luyan protected the Qi brothers and sisters behind her, and asked politely: "Who are you? What are you doing with a little girl? Look at her arm, it hurts her." Wang Chunfang did not know

  Lin Luyan, and promulgated the base's three On the day of the Japanese policy, several men from the Wang family came over. As a woman, she did the most work, received the least food, and had no energy to walk long distances.

  This situation has only improved in the past few days. The man in the family earned crystal cores by killing zombies. She also got a good job because of her age and no longer had to starve like before.

  Having been the housekeeper of the Qi family for many years, Wang Chunfang is not a silly eldest sister from the countryside. She is proficient in calculation and sophisticated.

  He could tell at a glance that Lin Luyan's identity was extraordinary, and said in a rather respectful tone: "I am the housekeeper of these two children's home, who are you?" Wang Zhi

  recognized Lin Luyan's face, and pulled Wang Chunfang over in fear, reminding her Said: "Mom, she is the base director."

  Wang Chunfang immediately wanted to please her more. She realized that the Qi brothers and sisters had a close relationship with Lin Luyan, so she bent down very low and said, "

  Hello, base director, these two dolls are mine. I brought them up since childhood, and when the apocalypse came, I didn't give them up, and kept them by my side." "

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