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  Lin Luyan's appearance was originally delicate, but after the apocalypse, nourished by the special food in the restaurant, she became even more beautiful and white, making people unable to take their eyes away.

  The restaurant is her own place. Lin Luyan does not need to deliberately act ugly like she did at Dawn Base, and can show off her original clear and charming nature at will.

  Before going downstairs, she went to the rooftop to see the green onions growing in the planting area. They were already fully mature.

  I pulled out a little bit and planned to take it to the restaurant kitchen on the first floor for cooking.

  The soil, self-owned fertilizer and air environment in the planting area are very suitable for vegetable growth. The growth cycle of vegetables planted there will be significantly shorter than the actual situation of vegetable cultivation before the end of the world.

  On the other side was a superpower fruit that was half the height of a baby. Lin Luyan collected it, shrunk the fruit infinitely, and carefully put it in her pocket, intending to give it to Qin Simu as a thank-you gift for helping her get the Dawn Base.

  Although she and Qin Simu had a clearly priced partnership, Qin Simu's dual-system abilities had helped her so much this time, and Lin Luyan felt that she should express it.

  The power fruit is her favorite treasure, and it is very suitable as a thank you gift.

  Clicking [Seed Mall], the price of the super power fruit was updated to 300 points. Lin Luyan bought one and planted it again.

  This area was specially used by her to grow superpower fruits.

  The payment interface and balance interface automatically popped up in the management panel, which happened to make Lin Luyan notice the blinking little blue dot in the lower left corner.

  Oh, she almost forgot that after eating, drinking, and sleeping, it was time to merge the two places!
  Click the icon with a small blue dot and a line of large characters will appear on the panel interface.

  [Wahada restaurant owner Lin Luyan and Shuguang base operator Chai Yisan signed a base merger agreement at Shuguang base. The main location is Wahada restaurant. The agreement has met the conditions for activation. The decision maker - operator Lin Luyan confirmed whether to merge. This merger Spend 100,000 points. 】

  Lin Luyan: ...

  76 points difference.

  If she had known better, she would not have bought the new power fruit seeds so quickly, so there would be no need to crowdfund again...

  She is now a restaurant owner with tens of thousands of assets, and she wants to borrow points again and again. Three, it’s about to gain reputation.

Apocalypse: My restaurant is a top safe houseWhere stories live. Discover now