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  Chapter 18 Liu Cheng
  Yu Min shook his head and showed an apologetic smile. He just couldn't hold it back, but now he has calmed down and he didn't dare to be disrespectful to people with powers.

  The young man didn't want to say anything, and Zhang Juan didn't ask any more questions. She yawned and urged Lin Luyan to speak quickly.

  Lin Luyan understood and told everyone her true plan.

  "Those who agree to join raise their hands. Those who disagree can continue to spend money in the restaurant, but the maximum stay time is still one hour, just like ordinary customers."

  Yu Min was the most anxious about this matter, shaking his hands a few times in mid-air. Next: "What about those who join? How long can they stay at most?"

  Lin Luyan pointed at Qin Simu, and the man took over the conversation and answered it for her.

  "Looking at contribution and loyalty, I will act as the boss's wife's deputy for the specific judgment in this regard. Of course, I will also accept the supervision of all of you. If there is anything wrong, you can directly communicate with the boss's wife." The meeting was very brief

  . Finish the story in five minutes.

  After it was over, everyone still stayed where they were. Even Mrs. Zhang, who had been complaining about being sleepy, was very energetic and eagerly waited for Qin Simu to take them to find a place to live.

  Next door to Lin's Noodle Shop is an old fishing gear shop. The manager of the fishing gear shop was so carried away that he often didn't bring the shop key with him to work. So often, he simply put a spare one in the gap under the carpet outside.

  Having been a neighbor of the shop for more than ten years, Lin Luyan naturally knew about this habit next door, but she never mentioned it in front of others and chose to keep it a secret.

  Fortunately, the fishing tackle shop is big enough and close enough to serve as a temporary residence for Yu Min and others.


  The door opened, and the sun's rays shone into the white floor that had been covered with dust for months.

  The dust accumulated all over the house was sticky, and the air was filled with an unspeakable stale smell, accompanied by a faint fishy smell that had been present for a long time and turned foul.

  It makes people cough.

  The old Zhang Juan has a slightly hunched back and her hands hanging behind her back. If you look closely, you will find that there is a very faint white halo dancing on her body.

  Several circles of light received mental instructions and moved rapidly around, detecting distant disturbances.

  Several other men, women and children, fully armed and wearing brand-new masks and gloves presented by Lin Luyan, worked hard to clean every corner.

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