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  Chapter 21 Yellow Bracelets
  But Xu Xiaojing and the others are completely different. They don't have any of the arrogance of being a superpower. They fight wherever they are pointed and follow the instructions of their managers.

  The secret room was full of weapons, and three people couldn't move much. Lin Luyan didn't ask for much, just a few boxes and a cart back and forth.

  Several of them were serious citizens before, and they had only seen hot weapons like pistols and bullets on the TV screen. Now that it appeared clearly in front of them, they couldn't help but feel a little scared.

  Strangely panicked.

  The RV was speeding across the open wasteland, reaching an average speed of 120 yards per hour.

  In the car, Xu Xiaojing kept sipping tomato juice. Zhang Juan held a bowl and fed it to Qin Simu's mouth. Wang Daquan dipped the tomato juice into his skin and applied it on his skin. Although he didn't know how useful it was, as long as it had Even with a glimmer of hope, Lin Luyan didn't want to give up.

  She will try her best to make Qin Simu return to normal!

  Xu Xiaojing took the time to glance at the back of the driver's seat, silently praying that nothing would happen to her other savior and that they could reach the restaurant smoothly.

  Lin Luyan's thoughts were in chaos, and the accelerator was almost at the bottom. She just wanted to go back quickly so that Qin Simu could get a full rest in a safe environment as soon as possible.

  So much so that he ignored a message that suddenly popped up on the management panel and skipped it with his mind.

  [Restaurant business reminder: 2 new customers. The main information is as follows: Liu Zhixing, a person with special abilities, male, 59 years old, with an account balance of 123 points; Liu Cheng, a person with special abilities, male, 32 years old, with an account balance of 0 points. 】


  Liu Cheng's mood was very complicated at the moment. He was very happy that his father was finally willing to use him, and asked him to face the strange monitoring instrument, but why did the result of his scan show 0 points?
  The system also added a deceptive sentence: Dear, you are too poor. I suggest you go out and turn left immediately, use gold to fight zombies, and reach the peak of your life.

  Depend on!
  Liu Cheng patted his white bracelet angrily and wanted to seek comfort from his father.

  How could he be so poor? The job he did before the end of the world had an annual salary of 200,000+!
  From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the old man's right hand on his shoulder. Then Liu Cheng was shocked and opened his mouth wide. Why was his father's bracelet light yellow?

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