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  Chapter 56: After

  a moment of silence from the man with the birthmark, the powerful superpower adjusted his glasses and said, "If what I expected is correct, every time someone escapes and touches this aperture, the organizer's energy will be consumed." Superpowers..."

  He ended his words and looked silently at the other superpowers who were gradually gathering. The underlying implications were self-evident.

  Du Jiwei, who restrained her breath and hid in the crowd, pursed her lips silently and put her hands on her chest, ready to show off her power at any time.

  She understood what the man with glasses meant, and she also felt that this was the only way to escape.

  All of them present may not be able to withstand the fatal blow of the aperture.

  Only through continuous weakening can success be possible.

  On the basis of continuous weakening, they must retain enough strength, and finally join forces to break the aperture and escape down the mountain.

  There is no objection from the superpowers. In the current situation, either everyone will die together, or ordinary people will die, and the superpowers may still live.

  Xu Dale was grabbed by the earth-type superpower and arbitrarily thrown into the aperture, killing him instantly. Then, like the previous people, he walked into the cave like a zombie.

  The fire-type superpower who was dragged by Xu Dale spat harshly in the direction he was traveling. He was a wolf-hearted guy.

  He gratefully thanked the earth superpower for saving him, and then went to catch ordinary people.

  Du Jiwei quietly let go and threw away the rope wrapped in her palms. Free movement of her hands and feet was the best way to distinguish ordinary people from people with special abilities.

  She hesitated for a moment and decided to maintain her strength and rest where she was.

  Because she thought of the most critical point, if this method works, but there are not enough ordinary people, who will be operated on?

  After making the hint, the man with glasses found a less hidden place and stood there, silently watching the chaos around him.

  A good move to use force to gain strength.

  Du Jiwei, who had witnessed everything, took a deep breath and knew that a fierce battle was coming. She also found a place where no one would notice easily and observed the changes in the situation on the field without moving.

  Among beauties, there are much more ordinary people than superpowers. Even if they can't move their hands and feet, they will still struggle desperately, consuming most of the strength and superpowers of superpowers.

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