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  Chapter 91 The Rising Team
  The people on the city wall were stunned, with harsh and critical expressions on their faces. They were completely unable to say a word at this moment.

  They didn't know Yu Min and Wang Li, and they could be classified as power or speed users, but the scarred woman and man who had just killed the zombies were familiar faces in the slums, especially that woman. , when her husband was beaten to death by Huang Mao's men in the street, many people saw it with their own eyes.

  They are all pitiful people...

  Some people on the city wall have slightly hot hands. If the strength allows, who wouldn't want to pick up a knife and kill the monsters in the wild.

  Nowadays, ordinary people have done it, and they are also secretly wondering whether they can be like that man and woman, and after simple systematic training, they can cut off the heads of zombies with their own hands.

  Some people silently walked down the city wall and quietly merged into the subsequent batches of training teams.

  Press your mouth into a straight line and lower your head to minimize your presence.

  What a slap in the face.

  Lao Chen, who cherished his life extremely, and the group of middle-aged people behind him were only slightly relieved, but they still stubbornly stood on the city wall, seeming to want to use this action to declare war on the base's "unequal" policy.

  Lin Luyan only glanced at them. How could she not understand what these people were insisting on.

  But this is the end of the world, a cruel end of the world that can eat people.

  No one should have to pay for anything.

  If they don't change, then no matter how much the new Linlin base promotes the equality between ordinary people and people with special powers, it will be useless.

  She is also an ordinary person. If she does not implement such a policy, in the long run, the base under her management will sooner or later repeat the same mistakes as Dawn Base.

  This is exactly why she is so persistent.


  Three days later.

  More and more people come to the restaurant to buy food, and the queues are long, including many ordinary people.

  "Xiao Cui, you came to buy lunch again. It's been quite luxurious recently." The

  woman named Xiao Cui was the woman who killed the zombies after Wang Li.

  She smiled shyly, her eyes were gentle, but her tone was full of pride, "Why don't you go out with the Rising Team to kill another zombie? Buy some food from the restaurant to reward yourself." The person who spoke to her

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