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  Chapter 33: The F-class panel

  impatiently urged Chen Xue to fulfill his previous promise and take them out to learn about the base.

  On one side was the request made by the superpower, and on the other side was Chunxiu's clear warning. The embarrassed Chen Xue felt a big headache. She couldn't afford to offend both sides. No matter who she chose, she couldn't bear the consequences of offending the other side.

  At this time, Jiang Kai, who had been silent in the corner, came out and bravely said: "Two sisters, why don't you let me continue to lead them as a guide? Don't worry, I will tell you what you need to say." Say, never say anything that shouldn't be said."

  Then he turned his head, looked at Qin Simu and Lin Luyan sincerely, and begged: "Brother, sister, my deceased father was once a metal-type superpower, so with the superpowers I know a lot about capable people, please believe me, my role is the same as sister Chen Xue."

  This last sentence pleased Chunxiu, what role can Chen Xue play, isn't it just like a little beggar?

  She returned to her seat and said proudly that she could barely do it.

  Chen Xue, who was attacked from both sides, was naturally very happy. In this way, she did not offend Chunxiu openly, but she also helped the base commander to temporarily retain a superpower who had not yet made clear his position.

  Qin Simu, who is keen and intelligent, quickly guessed the stakes. This time when they entered the Shuguang Base, they should not be too pushy. The purpose of revealing their powers was to avoid suffering setbacks, but after all, the fewer people who knew that they were powers, the better. good.

  With "little beggar" Jiang Kai leading the way, other residents in the base will only treat them as ordinary people with some material resources, and will never think of them as people with super powers.

  In this way, it couldn't be better.


  Behind the [Resident Center] is a lively street, with many people setting up stalls and selling jewelry and other items.

  Among the stalls, the dazzling golden Buddha statue is the most dazzling.

  Yu Min, who was following behind, was immediately attracted by the Buddha statue. He stopped and looked at it dreamily, mentally estimating the value of points that could be exchanged for this golden Buddha statue.

  He quietly approached Lin Luyan and asked softly about the restaurant price of the Buddha statue. If the exchange price was high, he wanted to buy it before leaving, and then find a secret place to directly exchange it for points.


  Lin Luyan said nothing and made a gesture in front of him with her finger.

  "Fuck... that's awesome." Yu Min's curse words almost blurted out again. 6 points were equivalent to killing 6 first-level ordinary zombies to get them. What a bargain!

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