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  Chapter 51 The charming Pan Chen

  didn’t have time to explain too much. Based on what he saw, he must not stay where he was, otherwise it would be extremely dangerous.

  "Ahem, cough..."

  Zou Kai, who was immersed in showing off his tomatoes, glanced at Qin Simu who spoke guiltily, choking and coughing repeatedly.

  It's all because he was eating so much that he almost forgot that the fox stipulated that the beauty should go up the mountain, and if the superpowers at the bottom of the mountain couldn't evacuate within three minutes, they would have to bear the wrath of the thunder it brought.

  This man with a Chinese character face who looks like a bodyguard is really awesome. He doesn't know the rules here, but he can react immediately, make quick decisions and make the right choice.

  He is a big man who hides his secrets.

  Zou Kai secretly marked Qin Simu as a person he could be friends with, got up and left with them, then turned his attention to Lin Luyan. The man who made the decision seemed to be hers, and Chai Yisan had no ability to win over such a capable person. people.

  And he had carefully observed that in this team, even Chai Yisan's people all listened to Lin Luyan. The two sides seemed to have reached some kind of deal.

  He is becoming more and more curious about Linlin Base. Now it seems that Linlin Base is more than a little bit better than Shuguang Base.

  Qin Simu walked in the front, taking long strides, regardless of whether he was covered by large plants or leaves, and kept moving forward with a terrifyingly serious expression.

  At first, Yang Caijin was worried that such an "arrogant" behavior would cause Zhang Siqi and the others to look back, but it didn't happen. The other party acted more nervous and panicked than they did, as if there was really a vicious devil chasing behind them.

  A false alarm.

  Beside the stream, a bonfire formed a huge circle, and thousands of people with supernatural powers gathered here, waiting for Zhang Jun's order to encircle and suppress the fox hiding on the top of the mountain.

  The scene was very crowded.

  The center of the bonfire was extremely empty, and there were dense and uneven creases on the ground.

  An exquisitely crafted rocking chair was placed there abruptly, with a slightly pudgy curly-haired woman lying on it.

  If Xu Xiaojing and Wang Li followed Lin Luyan, they would be able to identify the woman lying on the rocking chair with a large font at a glance.

  Awakening the dual powers of water and space, and being immersed in the praise of everyone around him all day long, Pan Chen naturally became more and more carefree, and his behavior became more and more careless.

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