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  Chapter 39: Ugly Vomiting It was

  originally just a rough guess, but now it is completely confirmed that the missing persons case at the base occurred with the tacit approval of the management.

  So what roles do the mute base director and deputy base director Zhang Jun play in this?


  The notification time was from 10 to 10:30 in the morning. In view of the previous advice given by the soldiers, Lin Luyan and the others had already arrived at the agreed place at 9:30.

  He was wearing the most tacky and ugly clothes, and his whole face was so ugly that he was the most embarrassing sight among the crowd.

  A golden dragon chair stood in the center of the square. Zhang Jun, wearing expensive furs, rested his chin on his fists, examining the men and women who came to him one by one.

  His face was extremely pale, his eyes were gloomy, his mouth was pursed in a straight line, and he impatiently drove away one after another.

  "People from building F, come and assemble." The soldier struck the gong a few times, then shouted loudly in a rough voice.

  Whether it's a slum or a residential building, everyone's residence in the base is registered, and no one can escape.

  The people living in Building F stood in a row, and the soldiers with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks compared the lists and counted them one by one.

  After the number of people was confirmed, the soldiers took the people in this row to Zhang Jun, and it was up to him to decide whether to go or stay.

  During the half hour she arrived early, Lin Luyan observed Zhang Jun for a while. The other party's purpose this time should be to choose many good-looking people.

  Like Chun Xiu, wearing a sexy pink cheongsam with delicate and beautiful mature makeup, she sits proudly in a big truck.

  She was very happy that her beauty was recognized by Zhang Jun. She raised her head even more and was about to live a good life.

  The pupils of several boys and girls in the car showed uncontrollable anxiety. They were not as stupid as Chunxiu. They were sold immediately and had to help count the money.

  There is a female military advisor standing next to Zhang Jun. If she thinks that someone Zhang Jun doesn't like can be saved by putting on makeup, she will come forward and whisper to him to keep the person behind.

  Because of Chunxiu's abnormal makeup yesterday, Qin Simu guessed that the management of Shuguang Base might use this routine method, so today the three of them not only had their faces adjusted, but also had something tied on their stomachs. They looked fatter. few.

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