Opening Up

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The sorting ceremony went off without a hitch. Twelve fresh-faced first years were sorted into Slytherin, their eyes sparkling with excitement as their names were called out. The air was thick with nostalgia as I reminisced about my own sorting into the notorious Slytherin house.

As I scanned the room, I yearned to catch a glimpse of Sebastian's familiar face among the crowd. He was like a ghost of my past, leaving behind a trail of memories that haunted me. Despite his once-popular status, it seemed as though the rest of us had moved on without him. But how could we forget someone who had left such a profound impact on our lives?

It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that he had chosen to abandon us all, despite our unwavering support. As I reminisced about all the times I had gone out of my way to help him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.

As I sat on the bench, a surge of anger coursed through my veins, causing my knuckles to tighten and turn a ghostly shade of white. The intensity of my emotions was palpable, as if a storm was brewing within me, ready to unleash its fury at any moment.

"Are you alright?" Ominis leaned into me, his voice a soft whisper in my ear.

I finally managed to pry my fingers off the bench, my knuckles white from the death grip. With a deep breath, I redirected my attention to the captivating spectacle of the Great Feast ceremony. The ethereal glow of the floating candles above us had a calming effect, their flickering flames casting a mesmerizing dance of light. As I savored each bite of the warm, freshly baked roll, I tried to focus on enchanting ambiance that surrounded me.

Ominis knew exactly why I was on edge, he had an uncanny ability to decipher the hidden turmoil within me, as if he possessed some secret power to unravel the mysteries of the human mind. It was as if he had a sixth sense, effortlessly peering into the depths of my soul, understanding the intricate web of emotions that kept me on edge.

His perceptive nature was nothing short of remarkable, a skill that set him apart from the rest. With a mere glance, he could discern the unspoken fears and anxieties that plagued us, leaving everyone in awe of his astuteness.

After our little gathering, we all headed to the common room, eager to lend a hand to any bewildered first years who might be wandering around. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice how Ominis seemed to keep to himself, which was something I was already used to.

"Now I must ask, are you alright? You've been very quiet" I responded. We were now sat in the common room in front of the fireplace, the flickering light of the flames danced across his face, casting shadows that only added to the mystery of his silence.

"Im always quiet darling" he laughed a little, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"You know what I mean. I can't help but think we are both feeling the same thing?" I prodded, hoping to coax him into sharing his thoughts with me.

He released a soft, weary sigh, his voice tinged with a mix of longing and resentment. "Yes and no. Deep down, a small part of me secretly wished for his miraculous return, as if he could mend all the wounds he inflicted upon us. But reality hit hard, and I couldn't forget the pain he caused, especially to me. The person I once considered my closest confidant had transformed into a stranger, a mere shadow of his former self. Even if he were to reappear and grace us with his presence, forgiveness wouldn't come so effortlessly."

I was shocked at his sudden lengthy explanation, not used to him opening up to this extent to me. It was as if a secret door had swung wide open, revealing a side of him I had rarely seen before. My heart skipped a beat as he poured out his thoughts and feelings, sharing with me a depth of vulnerability I never thought possible.

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now