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Once again, my head throbbed with a vengeance, surpassing even the aftermath of my daring escapade with butterbeer on that first date with Garreth.

But this time, there was no hazy fog clouding my memories from the wild party last night, it was the details after the party that were really fuzzy. As I groggily attempted to rub the sleep from my eyes, my elbow unexpectedly collided with an unknown object.

Something next to me groaned.

Oh merlin don't tell me I slept with Garreth or something stupid.

As I gradually awakened, my eyes fluttered open, taking in the familiar surroundings of the common room. Confusion washed over me as I sat up, my mind racing to unravel the mystery of how I ended up here.

In my attempt to make sense of it all, I turned over, only to find myself gazing directly into Ominis' serene slumbering face.

There he was, peacefully nestled beside me on the petite, overcrowded chaise. His arm instinctively encircled me, as if to safeguard himself from tumbling off. It was clear that this space was far too cramped for someone of his size.

I frantically scanned the room, desperately searching for the clock. What on earth could the time be? Three in the morning? Was my bleary-eyed vision playing tricks on me?

I vigorously rubbed my tired eyes, hoping to clear away any lingering confusion. Lo and behold, my initial reading was correct. Three o'clock it was.

Could the party still be going on? Surely not. It dawned on me that it might be wise to rouse Ominis from his sleep before any prying eyes caught us here and jumped to the wrong conclusions.

"Ominis," I whispered, gently nudging him with my hand on his chest, hoping to stir him from his deep slumber. He was definitely a heavy sleeper, he didn't move an inch.

"Wake up," I said it a little louder, now gripping his shirt and shaking him slightly.

With a sudden jolt, his eyes sprang open and he sat up, gasping for air. He reached out and grabbed my hand, his fingers tightly gripping mine.

"Ominis it's me, you're ok," I reassured him, "We must have fallen asleep out here accidentally."

His eyes wandered around the room for a moment, as if he was gathering his thoughts and trying to discern where he even was.

He let out a small sigh.

"No you had a panic attack and then passed out asleep. I couldn't return you to your room and I didn't think it appropriate to take you to my bed so I stayed here with you. What time is it?" he was so casual with his explanation, like sleeping next to me was no issue for him.

"Uh it's past three in the morning now," I stretched my arms out.

"We should probably head to our own beds, who knows who might sneak back in at this hour," he said with a tired yawn, pushing himself up from the chaise and rising to his feet. "I must apologize for what happened tonight, you didn't deserve any of it."

My heart was racing as I looked up at him, my mind struggling to comprehend his words.

"I didn't deserve the kiss you gave me?" I asked, my voice trembling with confusion as I got up. Did he really mean that? Had I misread the situation?

"No, you didn't deserve that either. It probably just added fuel to the fire of turmoil going on inside your mind, I do apologize," he bowed his head.

"Ominis why did you kiss me like that?" my voice was quiet as a whisper.

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now