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The Undercroft was cold and I felt myself shiver as I stood there waiting. Ominis had sent me an owl the next morning after the poachers fiasco asking to meet him here after class today which he was oddly not present for.

The sound of the gate sliding shut was loud, echoing through the cobblestone room. Ominis looked haggard and his eyes were adorned with dark bags underneath, his hair slightly out of place.

"Ominis," I called out, letting him know I was sat in the chairs we conjured some time ago.

He approached me slowly, a mixed expression on his face. I could tell he wanted to say something but was holding back. He was probably miffed about last night, because he wasn't even at breakfast so I couldn't explain anything then either.

"Olivia," he said, sitting in the other chair, "What happened last night?"

"I'm alright Ominis, nothing bad—"

"You're lying," his tone was low and sharp, "Sebastian and I may not talk much but he at least had the sense to tell me everything that happened this time instead of lying to me like usual."

Everything? Surely not the kiss and...

"Must be a new leaf," I mumbled sarcastically, "I'm sorry I just didn't want you to worry about me. I am ok now."

"Yes now but if he hadn't shown up then—"

"I know, he saved me, it's over with," it was getting on my nerves to have that rubbed in my face at this point, "I didn't expect a troll to show up."

"You don't understand do you? You were almost killed and if he hadn't been there then the rest of us would be collecting your body as we speak. I cannot lose you like that...we cannot—."

"I know, I're right and I'm sorry. I wasn't careful enough. I didn't mean to worry you..."

I honestly felt bad now. Ominis was rarely wrong and about this he was completely right. I had put myself at great risk when I wasn't fully prepared.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he settled back into the chair. "I won't push you further about it but please don't do something like that again. You mean a lot to—a lot of people. We would have been devastated."

His words hung over me like a heavy fog. There were a lot of people that I would have let down should I have actually died. Imagining how they would feel and blame themselves, especially Poppy, was sending me to the verge of tears.

"You're right...I shouldn't have..." I trailed off, trying to hold in the waterfall that threatened to spill over.

"It's ok," his hand reached out to my shoulder, "I know you care a lot and feel a responsibility to do everything on your own but you don't have one and you aren't alone. Please don't risk your life like that anymore, I really couldn't bare to lose you."

I didn't respond but he knew the weight I felt. We sat in silence for a few moments longer before he shifted the conversation to going to get something to eat for the evening.

I appreciated his effort to lighten the mood so I happily agreed and we quickly made our way.

Poppy was sat at our table, waiting. The look on her face was solemn as my eyes met hers. All day I had wanted to talk to her and apologize but this was the first time we would truly be able to speak about last night.

"Olivia I am so sorry. I shouldn't have let you go! Thankfully Sebastian—" she cried out, cutting herself short as we sat down before I interrupted.

Sebastian? Did she also know he had shown up?

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now