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Studying was an absolute bloody nightmare! The silence between us was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the only thing we could muster up to say was how utterly useless the books we were reading were.

As I sat there, my eyes fixated on the towering stack of books, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Ominis. He was completely lost in whatever he was reading, oblivious to the world around him as his wand effortlessly glided of each page. The silence was suffocating, even for a library. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of books and the only lifeline was the sound of someone else's voice.

"Ominis," I began tentatively, my words hanging in the air like a delicate thread, uncertainty gripping me.

His gaze, like frosted glass, met mine as he looked up curiously, setting his wand aside.

"Hm?" he responded, his was voice a gentle hum.

I hesitated, searching for the right words to express my concern. "Um- well, you've been rather quiet lately. Is everything alright?" I finally managed to ask, my voice laced with genuine care and a touch of apprehension.

His glassy gaze remained fixed on me, his eyes blinking languidly as if lost in a world of their own. "I'm perfectly fine, my dear, just focused on this book. And what about you, are you alright?" he murmured. His words, however, carried a subtle undertone that unsettled me. Yet, I wisely chose not to delve deeper and prod him because I knew better.

"I'm fine, just trying to find anything to help us in potions class," but I can't resist asking, "I see you've been spending quite a bit of time with Poppy lately. What's going on with that?"

With a thoughtful expression, he closed his book completely and let out a soft sigh. "There is nothing really to say regarding the matter.. It's more like.... you know, Poppy is just one of those people who you can effortlessly converse with. Her demeanor is so delightful, don't you agree?"

"Yes I know exactly what you mean. She is so easy to get along with and I enjoy spending time with her," I said but couldn't help but feel as if our conversation was a tad bit stiff and formal. It was as if we were both holding back. "I just wasn't sure if there was maybe something more? Or something else going on, not with Poppy?"

"More? You seem suddenly very interested, why do you want to know? Jealous perhaps?," he asked with a laugh, his voice low and velvety. "No there is nothing more than just friendship. Besides how could I ever replace you?"

"Oh now you're just teasing me you bully!" I laughed, swatting his hand across the table. He let out a subdued chuckle before once again picking up his book. I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous jest, why would I be jealous...?

As I went back to turning the pages in my book, a hush fell over us, intensifying the air. Scratching notes on some parchment as moments passed by in silence. Ominis was motionless, clearly not really reading from the lack of movement with his wand and I could sense he had something he wanted to say. I couldn't shake the knot in my stomach for some reason and I don't know why it was there in the first place.

"And what's with you and Garreth?" he inquired, his question breaking the silence, leaving me momentarily stunned.

"Me- me and Garreth?" I replied, my eyes shifting between him and the book.

"You both have a date, don't you? At least that's what I overheard did I not? Seems the whole school was talking about it as I walked through the halls," he asked, his tone becoming more direct and sharp.

"I guess, yea we do, on Saturday. Something about meeting up at the Three Broomsticks? I tried to ask him if everyone else would go but he seemed more eager for it to be just us," I replied quickly. My throat felt tight at the sudden mood shift between us, my chest grasping deeper as I waited for him to respond. 

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now