To Be A Snail

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Another weekend had finally arrived, and the crisp late September air was nipping at my nose. After spending most of my free time during the week cooped up in the library and avoiding certain individuals in my classes, I was being coerced into heading to the Three Broomsticks.

But who knows, maybe a little adventure and a warm butterbeer will make it all worth it.

"Come on, you're walking so slow," Poppy playfully shouted, motioning me to pick up the pace as she eagerly stood at the summit of the hill.

Ominis, with a confident hand resting on his hip, stood tall beside her, his piercing gaze fixed in my direction. Determined not to keep them waiting, I kicked into high gear, breaking into a brisk jog.

"Alright alright, I'm here," I breathed out.

I matched their steps with determination as we pressed on towards the pub, eagerly awaiting the moment when we would step through its doors and escape the chilly embrace of the outside world.

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement bubbling within me as I anticipated the prospect of being there, finally breaking free from the confining walls of the castle.

As we stepped into the warm and inviting ambiance of the pub, I felt a sense of exhilaration. It was bustling with so many people, even for a Saturday night.

I led Ominis towards an unoccupied table, eager to settle in and soak up the lively atmosphere. Meanwhile, Poppy darted off towards the bar to catch up with Sirona and order us some delicious butterbeers.

"Are you feeling better now that we liberated you from the clutches of that dreary library?" Ominis inquired, gracefully removing his coat and draping it over the chair's back before settling down.

"Yes Ominis," I retorted with a hint of sarcasm. "I must say, it wasn't so bad in there, you know."

"Don't even start, I thought any day now you were going to sprout roots and burrow down like a stump and we would never get you out," he teased, laughing at my expense.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his playful jab. It was clear he was enjoying the moment, but I wasn't about to let him get the best of me.

"Ah, come on now, spare me the lecture," I chuckled, playfully swatting his hand away as it reached across the table. "I left willingly..."

"Willingly? Is that what you call being bribed with butterbeers?" he smirked.

Poppy swiftly made her way back, her arms cradling three generously-sized butterbeers. With a warm smile, she settled herself next to Ominis, ready to share the delightful brews.

"Absolutely thrilled that you both decided to join me!" Poppy exclaimed, raising her mug to meet mine with a delightful clink.

"I'm happy I decided to join in, even if it was blatant coercion," I grinned. As if in response to my remark, Ominis playfully nudged me with a gentle kick under the table.

"So how are things with you and Garreth going? I see you two spending a lot of time together," Poppy asked, her face displaying genuine curiosity.

"Everything is going great actually. We get a long really well surprisingly," I replied, noticing Ominis was now wearing an annoyed expression.

"I see," he sipped his drink, setting it down a little too hard and causing it to spill a little.

Poppy eyed him from the side, offering me a smile as if I should understand any of this.

"And what about Sebastian?" she asked.

Just the mention of his name caused a stiffness in me and Ominis. My entire body twisted up at the thought of having to discuss him.

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