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I stumbled into Herbology class, fashionably late once again. But this time, my tardiness was not due to some unforeseen circumstance or uncontrollable event. No, it was all because of my own foolish procrastination and overwhelming sense of dread.

As I cautiously stepped into the classroom, my eyes immediately gravitated towards Garreth, who happened to be standing right next to my usual spot. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that Sebastian, the one person I was desperately trying to avoid, was conveniently positioned directly across from it. Of course, fate had a twisted sense of humor.

I hadn't been able to talk to Garreth in a few days and I had no idea how this would even play out. Would he bombard me with a million questions, prying into every detail? Or perhaps, he would choose to let it slide, never uttering a word about it.

I swallowed hard, my nerves getting the best of me. It was going to be a long, uncomfortable class.

"Good morning, cutie," Garreth greeted me with a charming smile and a playful wink.

As soon as I felt the heat rising in my cheeks, I knew I was in trouble. It was like a wildfire had ignited within me, and I couldn't control it. I couldn't bear to look at Sebastian, who was now focused on the planter pot in front of him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

It was like the tension between us was palpable, and I didn't know how to handle it. Plus now I had Garreth calling me nicknames and flirting with me.

"We haven't talked since our date, I was starting to worry you suddenly hated me after that kiss we shared," he let out a short chuckle before reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Bloody hell is it hot in here?

I felt it, the fiery gaze that was now very clearly on me. Sweat began to collect at my temple, my hands slippery and weak as I tried to focus on anything else but Sebastian. He was watching my every move as Garreth spoke, hearing it all.

"Um yea sorry I was just in the library with Ominis, finishing up the stuff for Sharp's class."

He let out a sigh of relief, reaching forward and pulling the giant pot towards him in preparation for class. I did the same and kept my eyes glued to the table in front of me, focusing on breathing steadily.

I stole a quick glance at Poppy, who was deeply engrossed in a conversation with Ominis. Relief washed over me as I realized that no one else seemed to have caught on to the nervous energy coursing through my veins.

"So I was thinking that maybe after class tomorrow you would like to join me in Hogsmeade? I need to pick up a few things before the Quidditch tryouts on Thursday and I've really missed you the past couple days." Garreth said, interrupting my thoughts.

I found myself hesitating, suddenly feeling a bit uneasy about discussing this topic so openly. As I turned to look at Garreth, my gaze flickered over to Sebastian, who was still staring right at me with his eyes half-closed and his face completely expressionless. My vision started to blur and I took a sharp breath, quickly looking away and up at Garreth.

"Y-yea we can do that, I-uh- I would love to. I have a few things to get as well and I'll be at the tryouts to watch," I managed to choke out just as Professor Garlick walked into the class. Thank Merlin!

"Brilliant! I was about to ask if you'd like to come watch," Garreth smiled before turning to focus on the professor who was starting todays lesson.

The rest of the class flew by in a whirlwind, with only fleeting moments when I caught Garreth's flirty winks or felt his gentle touch as he twirled my hair or stroked my arm. It was as if his emotions were translated into physical gestures, a language I wasn't quite familiar with, yet somehow expected from him.

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now