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The minute we sat on the bench, I could feel it resurface - the knot in my stomach that tightened and squirmed whenever my nerves were on edge. It wasn't just the conversation with Ominis that was difficult, but rather the heavy nature of all the discussions I had been having with everyone recently.

 "What did you want to talk about?" he spoke out, his hand gently grasping mine.

"Ah yea, um I was honestly just wondering what's going on lately? Ever since the party you kind of made yourself scarce and now you're kind of acting like nothing happened."

I wasn't sure how he would interpret my intentions since I was indirectly accusing him of strange behavior without him knowing that I was already aware of what had happened between him and Poppy. On top of that, his interactions with Sebastian made it crystal clear that there was something going on between the two of them.

"Since the party? What ever do you mean? I've been here, around..." he tone had a slight annoyance in it, something you'd only detect if you knew Ominis extremely well. 

So this was how he was going to play this conversation: the hard way. In rapid succession I went over multiple scenarios and possible conversations to decide which one was the best to try and approach this entire thing. 

I began to say, "Ominis I know--" but then I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye, standing to the side and nervously wringing her hands.


"You know...?" He asked, confused why I suddenly went silent. 

"Uh...just...a second..." I muttered.

It didn't bother me at all that the whole conversation was about to take a detour and shift focus between the two of them. While I could easily chat with Ominis whenever I wanted, Poppy, on the other hand, required this chance at the moment.

Above all else, I yearned for her happiness, as well as Ominis'. It warmed my heart to see her muster the courage to approach him once more. I beckoned her over with a swift gesture, rising to my feet and letting go of Ominis' hand, causing his face to register complete bewilderment.

With each step, Poppy inched closer until she stood merely an arm's length away from him. In that very moment, I could sense that he had detected her presence. His body reacted, tensing ever so slightly, and his arms instinctively crossed tightly over his chest. It was almost as if we were bombarding him, and a twinge of remorse washed over me. Yet, I couldn't deny that this meeting had been long overdue.

"H-hi Ominis.." Her voice was so timid that even a mouse couldn't hear it. 

I coughed lightly and gestured for her to repeat herself. Ominis may have been pretending not to listen, but I knew he caught every word. Knowing Ominis valued confidence, I silently encouraged her to find her voice.

"Hello Ominis, it's me, Poppy." She said again but louder and clear this time.

"Yes, I know it's you. I can recognize your voice and your smell, thank you very much." 

Snarky and sharp would be a good way to describe how he sounded just then and even I had a shocked look on my face. I wanted to reach out and grab him by the ear, scolding him for treating the sweetest person alive in such a unpleasant way but I restrained myself and opted to speak up calmly.

"I'll leave you both to it then. Ominis we will be talking later." I tried to convey a slight warning in my tone, hoping he would lighten up. 

With a simple gesture of acknowledgement towards Poppy, I gracefully exited the Central Hall and made my way back to the common room. In the quiet recesses of my mind, I fervently wished for a resolution between the two of them. Perhaps, with some convincing, Ominis could find it within himself to forgive Poppy's single misstep. Although, It was important to remember that we were dealing with Ominis Gaunt, a person who possessed a stubbornness that could almost match Sebastian's, albeit in a wholly distinct manner.

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now