Butterbeer and Butterflies

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The long-awaited weekend had finally arrived, and I was filled with excitement as I awaited my upcoming date with Garreth. Despite our previous reservations and history from last year, I had decided to take a chance and embrace it head on.

Evening was soon approaching so I decided to go ahead and get ready. I plopped down in front of the mirror and loosed my hair from the braid it was in, the soft waves falling down my back. I decided to go for a half up style and tied my velvet green ribbon into a small bow.

As I sat there, lost in thought, I heard a loud click from the door handle. I turned my head to see Imelda sauntering in, a grin so wide it could light up the room. She plopped down on her bed, facing me, and started kicking her feet back and forth like a kid on a swing.

"Ooh, so tonight's the big night, huh?" she exclaimed, her grin widening even further.

"Yeah, I've got to make my way to Hogsmeade in just an hour. But honestly, I'm completely clueless about what to wear," I confessed, a hint of nervousness creeping into my voice.

"I've got you covered!" she exclaimed, leaping off her bed and bounding over to my trunk, eagerly flinging it open.

With a glint in her eyes, she delved into the colorful chaos of my clothes, searching for the perfect outfit. Meanwhile, I focused on perfecting my face, expertly curling my lashes and adding a touch of blush to my cheeks, and finishing by applying a delicate shade of light pink to my lips.

"Voila!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she proudly displayed a whimsical light blue dress, delicately embellished with a sprinkle of dainty daisies. The sleeves, oh so charmingly puffed, added a touch of playfulness to the ensemble. And like a sweet embrace, a ribbon gracefully encircled the waist, culminating in a perfectly tied bow at the front.

I had completely forgotten about that dress. I remember packing it in my fifth year, but I never had the perfect occasion to wear it. Actually, now that I think about it, I have so many gorgeous outfits that never saw the light of day.

As I held the dress in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant. "Do you think it's too much?" I asked, feeling a bit weary.

She quickly reassured me with a smirk. "Are you kidding? That dress is going to make him weak in the knees. I mean, his hands...I mean eyes will be glued to you all night long! And the best part? It matches your eyes perfectly. You're going to look absolutely stunning."

I couldn't help but blush at her words, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. But with her encouragement, I knew I had to give that dress a chance to shine.

"Imelda, Garreth and I already kissed before, remember last year? I told you about it...against my will," I gave her a playful glare.

"Yea yea I know but this time it's different, you've both changed a lot and I think it's good you're finally willing to move on. I want to see you happy. You aren't the same girl you were last year, Olivia, you're a woman and you're stunning so what man wouldn't want you?"

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her support and encouragement. She was right, it was time to move on and even if things didn't work out I couldn't stay hung up on a ghost anymore.

"I can think of a few," I laughed, sticking my tongue out at her.

"If any man says they wouldn't have you, they are either a liar or blind...excluding Ominis of course," she winked, fluffing the dress out for me.

I rolled my eyes, "Ominis? There you go again making weird comments and insinuations."

She gave me a sarcastic sigh before turning away and plopping down on her bed. Imelda was rarely wrong but this time she was way off base.

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