Broken 🌶️

302 14 25

TW: Mention of blood, fighting, injuries

As we took a seat on the concrete bench outside, I felt the icy air rushing over my cheeks making my skin flush slightly at the temperature difference.

Not cold my ass...

As I stole a quick glance at Poppy, I couldn't help but notice her restless movements. It triggered a familiar wave of anxiety that started churning in the pit of my stomach. The longer we remained in this uncomfortable silence, the more unbearable it became. So, I mustered up the courage and decided to be the one to break the tension.

"What's up Poppy? What did you want to talk about?"

She quickly turned her head towards me, clearly caught off guard by my initiative to kick off the conversation.

"Well um..I just...You know how I notice things right? And I can't help but wonder if maybe you, you know..." She trailed off for a moment.

I looked at her with a puzzled expression, not knowing what the hell she was about to say, although I had a few very good guesses.

"You know...If you and something going on there? I know the other night at the Three Broomsticks you admitted you like him but this is....more now? After seeing you two enter class together I just wonder..."

Well, she didn't beat around the bush and straight up asked me, which honestly, I was anticipating by now. She had a keen eye for details, and I realized I couldn't keep everything hidden any longer. So, I decided to share with her what I could, without revealing everything at once, I suppose.

As I inhaled deeply, I could feel the tension leaving my body, escaping through a gentle sigh.

"Well...yeah. I guess some things have happened over the last few months really...since he got back. We even kissed a few times and had that party so..."

Everything I disclosed occurred prior to us getting together, so it wasn't really divulging the major secret, was it? It was more of a small release valve to let off some steam without violating the agreement I made with Sebastian.

"Really for that long? Well he definitely likes you, as I'm sure you are already aware."

"What do you mean? You say that like it's so obvious to everyone else. It's not like he's shouting it from the castle balcony."

I was genuinely interested in how she was so sure of herself in that statement.

"I mean he's always looking at you, stealing glances in classes we share or in the halls. Also...don't be mad that I didn't tell you but...there's been a few times that he's asked me where you were or about you, if I happened to run into him in the corridors or something. He's clearly completely into you right?"

The more she spoke, the redder my cheeks turned as I listened to every word. It hadn't been that obvious to me but I guess that was because of all the other not so pleasant behavior I experienced with him.

Had he really liked me so obviously?

"Well you like to observe so I guess it was easier for you to see it. And no...I'm not that mad..." I teased her a little.

"You may be right but he is definitely feeling some type of way about you and I think it's really sweet. If you two got together I think my heart would be full but I can hardly speak since I can't even get Ominis to like me back like I do to him."

My head tilted slightly as I observed her, and it didn't take long for me to realize the somberness reflected in her expression.

"You know he does like you, it's easy to see. I know we've briefly talked about this before but.."

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now