The Bottle

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Hello all! This is a MUCH longer chapter. Originally considered splitting it but thought maybe you all would enjoy a longer one. I had a lot of fun writing it so I got carried away, oopsies. Anyway enjoy and thank you to everyone reading so far!! It really means the world to me that you've stuck around this long <3


The next couple of days whizzed by, as I found myself completely engrossed in Garreth's company. Somehow he had completely moved on from the events at the tryouts and shockingly never bringing it up which I took as a bad sign in the long run...

Today was Saturday and I woke up feeling refreshed for once, feeling optimistic for the day ahead. Now that the DADA tower was cleared of the stench I could resume my regular walks there in search of Ominis. Gliding down the steps I spotted him, sitting on the floor once again.

"I will never understand why you like to sit down there so much," I said, standing next to him.

"Well if you must know, it's hilarious when someone bumps into me from their lack of attention and then they grovel at my feet for stepping on the blind," he smirked.

"You, my dear friend, are positively diabolical!" I chuckled, unable to resist his playful banter. Without hesitation, I plopped down on the floor beside him, ready to engage in some mischievous fun.

"So I have a request of you," Ominis piped up, piquing my curiosity because it was rare that he had a favor for me.

"Go on...what might it be?"

"Well Poppy has informed me of a rather large party going on tonight in the Hufflepuff common room, you know with the drinks and the loud chatter. Anyway, she has invited me but I said I won't go unless you do," his snowy eyes were now looking at me, almost begging me.

"Ugh fine but only for you, besides I think Poppy would kill me if I was the reason you didn't attend," I mumbled.

"Hm?" he hummed, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing. We can go, wait for me in the common room and we can walk together ok?" I poked him in the side, his hands quickly swatting me away.

"Oh, did you hear that the Quidditch tryouts results are getting posted today?" he asked as I was getting up.

"Really? Where are they going to announce it?" I asked, wanting to see if Imelda and Garreth made it.

"I think in the Great Hall this time due to so many spots being filled. At least that's what I overheard as I was sitting down here," he smirked.

"Yea yea you're not completely useless," I gave him a playful nudge in the thigh before I turned to head to the Great Hall, hoping the results hadn't been announced yet.

As I entered, my attention immediately was drawn to the large crowd of students gathered to one side. Must be where the results are going to be put up. I walked over and spotted Imelda who was standing at the very front center of the group.

"Madam Kogawa is going to bring them soon so stop pushing or so help me!" she yelled, giving everyone a stern look.

I laughed a little at her outburst, she was always so feisty. I didn't see Garreth yet so maybe he was running late or got held up. As I waited around I could over hear a group of girls whispering amongst themselves.

"I hope Sebastian is the new Slytherin Seeker."

"Oh yes me too, did you see how hot he was at the tryouts? The way he handled his broom and caught the snitch!"

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now