My Spot

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As I stepped into the dining hall, I couldn't help but notice that it was only about half full. My eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar faces and the buzz of conversation. However, my excitement quickly turned into regret when I locked eyes with Garreth. 

There he was, standing by the Gryffindor table, his gaze fixed on me. Time seemed to stand still as we shared an intense and slightly uncomfortable moment.

I let out an exasperated sigh, my frustration bubbling up inside me. With a determined stride, I made my way over to the Slytherin table, plopping down with a mix of annoyance and defiance. Garreth's presence only intensified my already sour mood, and I couldn't bear to be near him, not now, maybe not ever.


I had already spent the past few days avoiding him in every class we shared. Herbology earlier today was hell with him standing next to me, moping around. Trying to get me to pay him any amount of attention. 

How any plants can survive in there is beyond me. I wanted to feed myself to a venomous tentacular by the time we were dismissed.

Not to mention Sebastian was moody as ever, shooting daggers at me from across the table as well in class. Plus he still had Adelaide following his every step, meeting him outside of all his classes they didn't share and showering her with sickening affection every time I caught a glimpse of them. 

I had considered poking my eyes out and joining Ominis is the realm of the dark.

I loaded up my plate with a mountain of deliciousness and began to devour it with a vengeance, unleashing my fury on the helpless food in front of me.

"Hey there, Olivia!" Poppy's voice chimed like a melody as she gracefully took a seat opposite me. I was pleasantly surprised to see her at our table without Ominis, but her company was more than welcome.

"Hi Poppy," I replied, my cheeks bulging with potatoes.

"Did you manage to have a talk with Sebastian?" she inquired, her eyes brimming with genuine empathy.

"Uh yea? Like over a week ago. Why?" I replied.

How did she know that? It wasn't something I had talked about with anyone else. I was genuinely curious. Had Ominis told her?

"Oh um...well please don't be upset with him but Ominis mentioned it. He didn't go into detail, just in passing," she smiled nervously as she delicately placed her clasped hands on the table.

Honestly, I wasn't feeling up to delving into the nitty-gritty of my chat with Sebastian. Garreth had already put me in a funk, and I knew that dredging up all that drama would only make things worse.

"Let's not dwell on it," she interjected, flashing me a reassuring grin. It was as if she could read my mind, sensing the turmoil etched on my features. "I'm so happy that we are finally done with the Veritaserum in Sharp's class. I wonder what he will have us be doing next week."

"Hopefully something actually fun." I laughed.

As I savored each bite, I nodded along to her lively conversation, completely engrossed in the whirlwind of topics she effortlessly weaved together. Her words danced in the air, captivating my attention and skillfully diverting my troubled thoughts. I couldn't help but admire her genuine efforts, for they were like a soothing balm, gently massaging away the knots of worry that had plagued my mind.

"Um Olivia," she leaned forward, cutting her conversation short, with a whisper.

My eyes met hers and I couldn't help but notice the intensity in her gaze. My heart raced as I asked, "What's wrong?"

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now