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I awoke to the sound of silence which immediately let me know it had to be later in the morning. Sitting up in bed I glanced around to notice the room was empty, everyone else's bed in disarray in typical Sunday fashion. 

With a gentle slide, I eased myself out of bed and relished in a satisfying stretch, followed by a loud yawn. My gaze naturally shifted towards Imelda's bed, which stood out with its pristine appearance. It was evident that she hadn't returned at all last night, which puzzled me since today she had...

"Quidditch practice!" I shouted out, now remembering the mention of that yesterday. 

In a frenzy, I dashed towards my trunk and swiftly retrieved a deep green sweater and matching scarf. I hastily threw them on, along with a pair of snug trousers and my boots. With my hair gathered into a perky ponytail to keep it out of my face, I stole a quick glance in the mirror. After giving my cheeks a gentle pinch to add a touch of color, I nodded approvingly at my reflection before dashing out of the room. 

The common room was lively as I pushed my way through towards the exiting stairs but my attention was diverted when I heard a familiar voice call out to me. How he knew it was me in this semi crowded room is beyond any comprehension I have of what it means to be blind. 

"Olivia? You woke up late." Ominis spoke out. He was sitting in one of the singular arm chairs positioned in a corner of the room, instead of his usual spot by the fire or window.

I walked over and stopped just short of where he sat before responding. "Uh yea it was a late night. Girls night got a little crazy I suppose but it was fun."

The burning sensation on my cheeks intensified, as if they were set ablaze, while memories of last night flooded my mind. The couch, a silent witness, stood not too far from where I stood. In this moment, I couldn't help but be grateful for Ominis' blindness, as it shielded me from the embarrassment of trying to justify the crimson hue that painted my face.

"It must have been because Poppy seems to be missing which I assume means she is asleep since she wasn't at breakfast." 

"Yeeeahhh she uh...her and Imelda got a little too indulgent with the butterbeers and such. She will probably wake up for lunch though because she's going to need to eat." I giggled, recalling their behavior last night. 

"Well you seem fine so I assume you didn't end up in the same state as they did." 

"No I took it easy which came in handy since I had to help Poppy to her room and then I came back here and-- uh...I um went to bed, straight to bed."

With a nod of his head, he appeared to acknowledge my response, bringing a sense of relief to me. I was also grateful that he didn't inquire about Imelda's whereabouts, considering I hadn't mentioned her at all. Aware that time was slipping away, I realized I had to depart immediately if I wished to reach the Quidditch practice before it concluded.

"I'm gonna head out alright? The Slytherin team is practicing on the pitch today and I want to see-- uh support Imelda."

"Oh? Then let me join you, I could use some fresh air after sitting in this stuffy castle all morning."

I felt a bit unsure about accepting his invitation at first, but I couldn't resist in the end because I enjoy his company. Yet, I couldn't shake off the feeling that his arrival might stir up tension, especially with the ongoing conflict between him and Sebastian. And with Sebastian and I keeping our relationship under wraps, the situation had become even more complex.

"I would love for you to join." I spoke with a smile and happy tone.

I was unsure about how to break the news to everyone, or even when the right time would be. Should we tell everyone at once, or wait until later? At least for now, it will be our little secret until I speak with Sebastian privately.

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now