Celebrate 🌶️

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Hello! This is an extra long chapter because I was away for a bit and I felt so bad about it. I will now be back to releasing chapters regularly. I hope you all enjoy reading it!


The party was already so loud and packed with students before the Slytherin quidditch team had even arrived yet.

I noticed a few Gryffindor team members mingling in the crowd so surely the Slytherin team was set to arrive soon. I stood off to the side awkwardly next to Ominis who was chatting with Poppy.

As if I had summoned them myself, the entire team all came down the stairs, sending the room into an uproar of cheering. I watched as Sebastian sauntered down the steps last, just as the clapping had started to die down.

Of course, in no time at all, a swarm of girls surrounded him to fawn over the one who snatched the win for us all. I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to Ominis and Poppy who were deep in conversation again.

Now the party really didn't seem as fun and I couldn't figure out why. Although I'm not sure what exactly I was expecting to happen. No matter, it wasn't anything a bit of drink couldn't fix.

The makeshift bar was all set up, full of all kinds of concoctions from peoples secret stashes. I glanced over the many different options before choosing something. Without a second thought, I threw back a couple of shots of what I assumed was firewhysky.

It definitely burned like firewhysky.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sebastian, laughing and flirting. They were all clinging to him and pawing at him. I'm sure he was just loving the attention but surprisingly I didn't see Adelaide in the mix, at all actually. Still, just the sound of his laughter was making my blood boil.

So annoying.

One moment he's got his hands and lips all over me and now we are back to this as if it never happened...I was starting to feel used in all honesty but I guess I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

I wanted so badly to confront him, to say everything I had been feeling lately. Every moment that passed just set me off even more and I wasn't sure how much longer I could go on.

I knew better though...Tonight definitely wasn't the night to try and hash through everything going on with us so I made a mental note to avoid him if I could.

I turned and started sifting through the crowd again, hoping to find a familiar face or group I could mingle with.

Imelda was the next person I came across and she was on cloud nine. She was chatting non stop to anyone that would listen, about being the starting champions and anything else quidditch related.

I sat and listened for a while but my mind quickly wandered back to Sebastian. I could see him out of my peripheral and he was infuriating me even more. Why did I feel this way? What was this deep angry feeling?

As much as I wanted to be nice and hear it all from Imelda, it was just too boring. With the offer to get her a drink, I excused myself back to the makeshift table and took another shot, already slightly feeling the effects from earlier.

My cheeks were already starting to feel heated and my body a little lighter. I was so distracted by my thoughts I hadn't even realized I was being approached.

"You trying to get wasted tonight?"

That all too familiar voice coming from behind me made me stiffen up like a board.

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