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It had been over a week since I last spoke to Sebastian, or even glanced in his direction, after our little escapade. His actions had ignited a fire of anger within me, but more than that, they had wounded me deeply while also confusing me.

I couldn't quite pinpoint why it hurt so much, considering it was something I had come to expect from him. After all, he had always been the epitome of impulsiveness and was also selfish, stubborn...

Charming? Hot?


Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced through the silence of the dimly lit room, jolting me out of my thoughts. "Olivia?" it called out, almost as if surprised to find me there. "I didn't realize you were in here."

As he made his way through the dimly lit Undercroft, I caught a glimpse of Ominis. It seemed he too had ventured down here, but for what purpose? Perhaps it was for the same reason as me.

"Yes, I'm over here," I called out to him, "Just doing some studying for Ancient Runes on Monday."

"Studying on a Saturday morning? I feel like there are much more entertaining things to do this early in the day," he chuckled. I could hear the sound of his easy strides as he walked towards me.

He made his way over to where I was sat, plopping down in the chair right next to me. The frustration was etched all over his face, his disheveled hair adding to the disarray. It also looked as if he had hastily thrown on his robe in a fit of annoyance.

"Ominis?" I whispered softly, concern lacing my words. "Are you okay? You look...out of sorts..."

Silence hung heavy in the air as he sat there, his gaze fixed on the floor. His face was a canvas of emotions, each one flickering across his features. I waited patiently, unsure of what was going through his mind. And then, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke.

"Yes," he sighed, his voice heavy with a mix of frustration and contemplation. "Lately, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, grappling with a multitude of thoughts and uncertainties."

I patiently bided my time, allowing him a moment to collect his scattered thoughts. With a gentle tone, I finally broke the silence, "You know, you can always confide in me. Don't ever feel like you're alone in this, because you're not."

"You know, it's not that I can't talk to you. It's just that this particular topic has been lingering in the shadows, and I think we've both been tiptoeing around it. Well, maybe I've been doing more of the tiptoeing, to be honest."

As he spoke, his hand glided effortlessly through his hair, a gesture that seemed to release the tension from his body.

I found myself pondering over the various possibilities, unsure of what exactly he meant. Was it possible that he wanted to delve into the depths of our shared kiss, finally addressing the unspoken tension between us?

Or perhaps he longed to open up about his experiences with Sebastian, who was also his roommate, whom he had been silently enduring but never mentioning. Or maybe he finally wanted to confess something about Poppy?

"Alright, I am not sure which topic you mean but I am willing to discuss it now if you are," I leaned over, giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

Settling more into his seat, he finally turned his gaze towards me, a small smile dancing on his lips as his hand gently enveloped mine; refusing to let go as he began to speak.

"I want to have a conversation about Sebastian," he began, "The situation has reached a boiling point, as the mere thought of engaging in conversation with him has become utterly unbearable. It seems as though our vocal cords have taken a vow of silence, only breaking it when absolutely necessary, and even then, our words are reduced to mere one-word responses. The atmosphere in our dorm has become so charged with tension that our other roommates scurry away like frightened mice, avoiding Sebastian's presence as if it were the dreaded plague itself."

Lost Devotion // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now