I'm Glad You're Back

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(A few weeks later)
Emma is walking down the sidewalk with Adam and Kevin.

Kevin: You ready for today?
Emma: As ready as I'm going to be.

A man runs out of the store across the street shooting back at the people in it. They take off after him.

Kevin: (Dispatch this is Officer Atwater. We are in pursuit of a male suspect on the street in front of the district. He is armed. Advise patrol)
Emma: Chicago PD! Get down! Kevin he cut through the alley.
Adam: Right behind you.

Emma runs down the alley with Adam close behind. Kevin runs around the back. Emma gets close enough to drag the man down. He begins fighting her. He punches her where she got shot. She rolls off of him and lays curled up on the ground. The man pulls out his gun and goes to shoot her when Adam comes up behind him and points his gun at him.

Adam: Drop it now man!

The guy turns around and goes to shoot Adam when Adam pulls the trigger killing the man.

Adam: Offender is down.

Adam runs over to Emma.

Adam: Hey are u ok?

He helps her stand up.

Emma: Yeah I'm fine just haven't done that in a while.
Adam: You better get used to that. They never stay put.
Emma: Yeah great.

He turns around to call homicide. She clenches her side in pain. Kevin comes around the corner.

Emma: I'm fine before you ask.
Kevin: I'm sure your good.
Adam: Homicide is on their way. We can go after we give our statements.

They get back to the district. The head upstairs.

Voight: Heard you all are killing people and it isn't even 8:00 yet.
Kevin: Yeah well he pulled a gun on Emma and Adam he didn't really try to avoid death.
Voight: You guys good?
Adam: Yeah.

Emma nods.

Voight: Alright Antonio Emma there's a woman on Chestnut St who's husband is a major drug dealer. She has info about his next deal. Can you two go check it out?

They nod. Antonio nods to Emma. They head downstairs and take off.

Antonio: I'm glad you're back. Jay has talked about you every once in a while. You two aren't that close?
Emma: We were. I took off to follow my dreams of becoming a cop and he went into the army. I became an undercover detective. He came back from the army and got into undercover work too. We gradually split apart then when I got offered the undercover job outside of intelligence. I didn't think he would have went off on me the way he did.
Antonio: Yeah since Gabby left we haven't been super close either. Don't sweat it. He'll come around.

They get to the woman's house. Antonio looks around the back and through the window. They knock. Emma looks up and sees someone at the top window. A lady comes to the door.

Antonio: Ma'am Chicago Pd we have a couple questions.

She closes the door. Emma steps back and kicks the door open. Antonio runs around the back.

Emma: Chicago PD! Stop!

She tackles the lady from behind and arrests her. Antonio rounds the corner.

Antonio: You ok?
Emma: Yeah. I saw something inside though. It looked like someone looking through the upstairs window.
Emma: (Patrol we need backup on Chestnut St.)
Kim: Kevin and I are around the corner. We are on our way.

They sit the lady on the couch. Emma goes into a room with all baby stuff. She steps out.

Emma: Do you have a baby?
Jenna: I do. She is the most amazing thing in my life.
Emma: Where is she?
Jenna: Well shes not here.
Antonio: Where is she then?
Jenna: With her dad.

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