Down On One Knee

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Emma comes out of the bedroom. She looks at Adam.

Emma: What?
Adam: You're only putting your vest on.
Emma: Isn't Casey the one getting promoted.

He laughs.

Adam: And you.
Emma: I don't know why.
Adam: I believe someone told Voight that she would become Sargent. He had to promote you to Senior Detective didn't he?
Emma: You're just jealous.

There is a knock on the door.

Adam: I got it.

Adam opens it. Casey is standing there.

Adam: Hey Matt how can I help you?
Casey: Is Emma here?
Adam: Yeah she's getting ready.
Casey: I need to talk to her. May I come in?
Adam: Yeah sure. Emma it's for you.

She sees Casey.

Casey: Hey.
Emma: Hey you look great.
Casey: Thanks. Mind if we step outside real fast?
Emma: Everything ok?
Casey: Yeah.

He takes her outside. She closes the door behind them.

Emma: What's up?
Casey: You and I are being recognized with full honors. I came to congratulate you in person and hand you this.

He hands her a badge. She takes it from him.

Emma: Thanks Casey.
Casey: Emma that's not the only reason I'm here.

She looks at him.

Casey: The other day when you were on the brink of death it made me really think about what we had. Then this weekend when I thought we almost lost you. I just I don't know. Emma I love you. You are the most wonderful girl in the entire world and I know you're dating Adam but I couldn't just let my feelings be kept in. I'm sorry.

She looks at him.

Emma: Casey I don't know what to say.

Adam leans his head out the window.

Adam: Be with him.

Emma turns around.

Emma: Adam but what about you?
Adam: You got with me cause I saved your life not because you were in love with me. It's like if Superman swooped down and saved some one they would think that he is the love of their life. You want Casey and I want you to be with Casey so do it.

She turns around. Casey sticks out his arms and shrugs. She jumps into his arms.

Emma: I've been waiting for this for too long.
Casey: Me too. Go get dressed and let's go do this.

She heads inside. Casey looks at Adam.

Casey: Thanks.
Adam: No problem she's a good one don't lose her.
Casey: I don't plan on letting her go.

Emma comes out in her uniform.

Adam: Damn girl you look great.
Emma: Thanks Adam.

Casey takes her hand. They head out. They pull up to the front of the mayoral building. Emma and Casey step out. Voight steps out.

Voight: Captain Matthew Casey. Senior Detective Emma Halstead.

Casey looks over at her.

Casey: Senior Detective?
Emma: Only way I can be Sargent.
Casey: Sargent Halstead. It's got a good ring to it.

She laughs. They walk in. The mayor gets up to the microphone.

Mayor: I'd like to welcome you all to our recognition for our first responders. You all make Chicago proud. For now a word from Chief Wallace Boden and Sargent Hank Voight.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now