Targeted Part 1

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Casey stands up. He is holding his head. When he pulls his hand away he sees blood. He looks at the crash scene.

Casey: Oh my god.

Herman looks up at Ritter.

Herman: You ok?
Ritter: Yeah I'm good. You?
Herman: I'm fine.
Casey: (Herman Severide. Do you copy?)
Herman: (Copy Casey. You ok?)
Casey: (A little bruised other than that I'm good. How about you?)
Herman: (Trying to find a way out.)
Casey: (Severide?)

There is no response.

Casey: (Herman is there a way for you to get out?)

Ritter looks at him.

Ritter: I got a hole big enough for us to get out.
Herman: Great job. (Yeah Casey I think so.)

Ritter and Herman crawl out. Casey runs over. They look out at the mess.

Herman: Gosh Casey what happened?

There is glass and blood everywhere. The ambo is tipped on its side. All three fire trucks are smacked into each other. The police cars are smashed together.

Casey: I think first responders were targeted.
Herman: What?
Casey: We all got the same call. A fake, planned call.
Herman: Your head....
Casey: I know it's fine.

They stand there staring.

Casey: We are going to need more help. (Med we need help at our location).

There is no reply.

Casey: (51 to Main)

Casey looks down at his radio.

Herman: What's wrong?
Casey: I'm not getting a signal.
Herman: What are we going to do?
Casey: Ok Herman look we have to do what we do best. Help. Which means we need to begin searching and rescuing.

A car pulls up. Natalie and Will come out.

Will: Hey we saw the crash. What happened?
Casey: I don't know yet. All I know is we need to start searching for survivors.
Will: Are my sister and brother in there?
Casey: Yes.
Will: You have got to get them out.
Natalie: Will just listen to Casey alright. We will find them. Casey can I check your head?
Casey: No it's fine.
Natalie: You're bleeding down your face at least let me wrap it up.
Casey: Fine

She grabs gauze and puts it on his head.

Natalie: When we can get you to a hospital you are probably going to need stitches.

He nods.

Will: What now?

Brett sits up.

Brett: Emily you ok.
Emily: Yeah I'm fine. What the hell happened?
Brett: I don't know.

She tries to open the doors. The ambulance starts rocking.

Foster: We have to stop moving. This thing might tip further.

They look at each other. Stella looks up.

Stella: My god. Mouch hey buddy can you hear me?

Mouch is laying unresponsive. Capp sits up.

Capp: Severide where are you?

Tony looks over.

Tony: You ok?
Capp: Yeah I'm fine. Cruz can you hear me?

Jay rolls over.

Jay: Adam.

He shakes him. Adam wakes up.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now