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Jay and Emma pull up to the firehouse.

Jay: Are u ok?
Emma: I'm fine.
Jay: Emma stop lying to me. I know you're not ok.
Emma: Jay I'm fine.

He backs off. She gets out of the car. He rolls the window down.

Jay: Are u sure about this.
Emma: No but I have to do this.

Stella is standing in the engine room.  Emma walks up to her.

Stella: Kelly you got company.
Emma: Stella wait. I'm actually here to see you. Can we go for a walk?
Stella: Sure.

Kelly comes out and sees them walking down the driveway.

Stella: What's up?
Emma: I'm breaking up with Kelly.

Stella stops.

Stella: What do you mean?
Emma: I see the way you look at him. And I know how hard the breakup between you guys was. You two deserve each other.
Stella: No you can't do that. I may still have feelings for him but he loves you and would do anything for you. I think you think I'm jealous. I'm not. I just wish he wouldn't have broken things off the way he did. But please don't break his heart to make me happy.
Emma: Stella.
Stella: Make the decision for you. But I'm telling you he loves you with everything he has. I have to get back. I'm sorry.

Stella walks away. Emma walks back and gets in Jays car. Kelly waves to her.

Jay: I thought you were breaking up with him. Him waving to you doesn't look like you have broken up.
Emma: I can't.

Jay takes her hand. He drives off to the hospital.

Jay: Are u going to be here all day?
Emma: When Adam wakes up I'll let Voight know.
Jay: Will and I are going out to dinner tonight. You in for a little Halstead siblings get together.
Emma: I'll let you know. Thanks for the ride.

She gets out of the car and starts walking towards the hospital. Jay drives away. She heads inside and walks up to Adams room. The door is closed. She looks in and sees he's still not awake. She goes and sits in the waiting room. Will looks over at her. Jay gets back to the district and knocks on Voights door.

Voight: Halstead what's up?

Jay closes the door.

Jay: Have you spoke to Emma recently?
Voight: No.
Jay: She has not been herself lately. Like something is bothering her. If someone gets hurts she breaks down.
Voight: Yeah I've seen that. Did something happen with her and Kelly?
Jay: She had me take her to the firehouse to break up with him. But when she came back to the car, she said she couldn't. I think there is more to this story than she is letting on.
Voight: I'll talk to her. I'm going to see Adam and get his status. I'm guessing she's there.
Jay: Yeah.

They step out of his office.

Kim: Sarge the guy who hit Adam was a murderer who Emma arrested when she worked undercover.
Voight: So he was trying to kill her not Adam. I want to know how he got out early. Put him in interrogation. For now Jay and Hailey go check security cameras and see if he was anywhere around her.

He heads for the hospital. Will walks over to Emma.

Will: Hey Em Adam has woken up.

She walks back with him. She walks over to Adams bedside pulling up a chair. She takes his hand.

Emma: Hey.

He opens his eyes. He looks at her

Adam: Don't you have something better to be doing.
Emma: How can I?
Adam: You don't need to see me like this.
Emma: Why not? It cant be any worse than some of the things we see.
Adam: Yeah but....
Emma: Stop. Thank you for saving my life.
Adam: You don't have to thank me.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now