Targeted Part 3

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The team begins loading people into ambulances. Sharon looks at Boden.

Sharon: We have to remove Emma Wallace. And double check her pulse to declare it.
Boden: I know. I'll take care of it.

He looks around.

Boden: I know this is hard for all of you. But we have to take care of this. Emma took care of all of us. She cared about each one of us no matter the history she had with us. Let's make sure she rests peacefully now.

Casey, Kelly, and Adam step up.

Casey: Chief we'll do it.
Boden: Alright. Brett I need the stretcher. Sylvie.
Brett: I'm sorry Chief.
Foster: It's alright Chief I got it.
Boden: Thanks Foster.

Boden brings Brett in for a hug.

Boden: Its going to be ok.
Brett: It's not Chief. She knew how to keep everyone together.
Boden: Well now it's up to us to keep each other together.

Foster comes over with the board. She removes the sheet. Casey turns away.

Casey: Let's do this quickly.
Kelly: Hey we can take this if you need us too.
Casey: No it's ok.

They pick her up and set her down on the board. Casey looks at Foster.

Casey: Don't people who are dead have colder skin, she's been there for five hours?
Foster: Yeah they do.

Foster has them move her around and set her down on the curb. Foster puts fingers to Emma's neck.

Foster: Oh my god.

Emily hooks up the monitor.

Foster: There. She has a small pulse but it's there.
Brett: Are u serious.

Boden looks at the monitor. Sharon comes over.

Sharon: What are you doing.
Brett: She has a heartbeat.

Sharon smiles.

Sharon: Fantastic! An ambulance is two minutes out.

Emma wakes up. Jay comes running over.

Jay: Emma hey you're ok.

She looks at him.

Emma: Where is Voight?
Jay: Voight?! He is in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
Emma: Oh thank god.

Adam looks at her.

Adam: That's what your worried about right now? You almost died.

Dr Choi comes over.

Dr Choi: Emma lets get you loaded up.

They get her into the ambulance. Jay and Will get in with her.

Kelly: How are the rest of us getting out of here.

Maggie pulls in with a school bus.

Sharon: Back to school kids.
Boden: You have got to be kidding me.
Sharon: We are following the ambulance you all have to get checked out.

As they drive away Jay and Will look out the back of the ambo and Casey and Boden look out the back of the bus.

Casey: How did everyone make it out alive.
Boden: First responders are meant to be here that's why.

Dr Choi looks at Emma.

Ethan: You are actually ok just anxiety took over you locked up and blacked out for a very long time.
Emma: Yeah I don't like tight spaces.
Ethan: We are still going to check you out just in case.

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