I Wish She Would Be A Firefighter

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Kelly wakes up and sees Emma still sleeping. He carefully takes the covers off before kissing her on the forehead and slipping out of the bed. He grabs his shirt from the floor and slips it on walking out of the room. Emma comes walking out of the room a short time later. Kelly looks up smiling at her.

Kelly: Hey there.
Emma: Hi.

He starts pouring a cup of coffee.

Kelly: You want some coffee? I'm sorry I don't really make breakfast in the morning. They usually cook at the firehouse.
Emma: No I'm ok. Just a ride to the hospital would be good. I want to see Jay.
Kelly: Any improvements?
Emma: No he uh...

She begins to cry. Kelly pulls her into a hug.

Kelly: I'm sorry this is all happening Em.
Emma: Here I am crying again like I can fix this.
Kelly: Hey it's ok. We're all human. Your brother is in the hospital. You're allowed to cry. Why don't you grab your coat and we will get out of here so you can be with him.
Emma: Yeah.

They grab their stuff and leave. They pull up to the hospital.

Kelly: Are u going to be ok?
Emma: I'll be fine.
Kelly: Call me if you get an update.
Emma: I will. Be safe.

She walks inside. She peeks through the glass into Jays room and sees that he is still unresponsive. Maggie comes over.

Maggie: He's fighting Em.
Emma: He always has.
Maggie: Yes and you know why?

Emma looks at Maggie.

Maggie: He fights to be here for you and Will. You two are the only family he's got. He wouldn't leave you guys behind for the world.
Emma: Is Will around?
Maggie: He's in the break room.
Emma: Thanks.

She walks over to the break room and stands at the doorway. Will looks up and sees her standing there.

Will: Hey there.
Emma: Do you have a few minutes?
Will: Yeah.

He stands up hugging her.

Will: How are you holding up?
Emma: I'm not really holding it together.
Will: Well you are doing better than I am. I mean at least you can leave the situation. I work here. You're a cop, you can go through these situations without feeling horrible.
Emma: Jay is my brother. This isn't like some of my cop situations. He could be dying. How is he?
Will: He is still unresponsive. He took a pretty big blow to the chest. But he is going to pull through.
Emma: How can you be so sure?
Will: I just know.
Emma: That wasn't very convincing.
Will: I don't know what else to say Em.
Emma: Would Jay ever leave us behind?
Will: No don't think that. Jay wouldn't leave us before we left him.

Maggie comes in.

Maggie: Hey guys. Jay just woke up.

Will and Emma go running in the room. Jay turns towards the door when they come in. Emma sits next to his bedside. Jay takes her hand. Tears come to her eyes. Will closes the door. He sits on the edge of the bed.

Jay: Em? Have you been at the hospital since I've been here?
Will: (laughing) You think she would leave you? Yeah right.
Jay: Thank you. Both of you. It means a lot.
Will: I'm going to grab Ethan.

Will walks out.

Jay: How long have you been here for?
Emma: All week.
Jay: Really?
Emma: You've been unconscious. I didn't know if or when the last time I was going to see you was?
Jay: What happened?
Emma: You collapsed after we arrested the superintendent. It's been a few days since that.
Jay: Wow. So what's everyone been up to?
Emma: We got a new superintendent, I moved in with Kelly, Hailey has been out for a few days, and Will has fallen into depression.
Jay: All because of me.
Emma: No. First off we had to get a new boss cause you know.

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