Dad I'm Not Going Anywhere

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Adam and Jay walk under police tape and into a house. They walk over to Hailey.

Adam: What do we got?
Hailey: Brother and sister both stabbed several times. No signs of any parents.

Kim and Kevin come in.

Kim: Back door was open but doesn't look like forced entry.

Voight comes in.

Voight: What do we got?
Hailey: Two deceased with multiple stab wounds. Back door was open. No sign of forced entry. No murder weapon.
Voight: Alright well let's start asking around. Find out more about the family. Hailey look around the house see if we can get any clues into the situation of the family. Kim Kevin try and find the names of the parents. Adam and Emma you two start banging on doors see if anyone heard or saw anything. Keep me updated.

Emma walks into the living room. She looks at a picture on the mantel. Adam comes over.

Adam: You ok?
Emma: I know pictures can be deceiving but they look like a happy family.

Adam puts a hand on her shoulder. They head outside and start walking down the street. A car goes by firing at them. They duct behind another car.

Adam: 10-1 10-1 shots fired at the corner of 10th and High. Send additional patrol cars to our location.
Emma: Adam the car.

Adam and her take off down the street after the car. The car speeds around a corner.

Adam: I'm calling it. (Patrol we are looking at a red sedan driving northbound.)

Emma: Adam the driver looked like the man in the photo. We just had him. He was right there.

She punches the side of one of the cars.

Back at the district, Adam grabs coffee in the break room with Emma. He hands her a mug.

Adam: You good?
Emma: Yeah I'm fine.
Adam: You aren't what's up?
Emma: I guess I feel helpless every time we let people get away.
Adam: No. They think they can get away. We will catch him Em.

Jay walks in. Adam excuses himself.

Jay: Hey you ok? Trudy told me what happened.
Emma: Yeah. All good. How's desk work?
Jay: Fantastic. Loving every minute of it.

She laughs. She sets the mug down on the counter staring at it.

Jay: Something is wrong.
Emma: No it isn't.
Jay: This isn't like you. You are never this quiet.
Emma: This case is really difficult. They were innocent kids that got wrapped up in something that they shouldn't have.

He hugs her.

Jay: We will catch the person responsible Em.
Emma: I know but we let the man get away.

He closes the door.

Jay: What man?
Emma: The man who was driving the car. I saw him in photos at the murder scene.
Jay: What do you think?
Emma: I think it was the father.
Jay: Alright I'll look into it.

They head out. Kim Kevin and Hailey come up the stairs.

Kim: Hey you guys ok?
Emma: Yeah we're good.

Voight comes in.

Voight: Adam Emma you guys alright?
Adam: All good Sarge.
Voight: Alright what do we know?

Kevin puts photos up on the board.

Kevin: The victims names are Kaitlyn and John Hawk. Both were stabbed several times. We have no evidence that was left behind so we are at a stand still right now.
Voight: Alright I want everyone working on this.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now