Its Nice To Have You Back

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There are headlights shining into Mollies. Everyone comes running out.

Boden: Fire Department can anybody hear me?
Lady: Oh oh.

Emma sits up. She looks down at her hand that is all bruised. The lady leans at her door throwing up. Boden comes around the car door.

Boden: Ma'am are you alright?
Lady: I don't remember anything. But what happened to that deer?

Casey and Joe look at each other confused. Emma comes around the car.

Emma: That deer would have been me.

Casey runs over and grabs Emma.

Casey: Emma are you all right?
Emma: I'm fine. I jumped out of the way in time.

She turns to the women.

Emma: By any chance have you been drinking or taking drugs?
Lady: The man at the bar was really nice and told me if I sat longer he'd pay for my drinks. How could I say no?

Emma looks at Boden. She pulls out her radio.

Emma: Patrol can you come pick up a drunk for DUI in front of Mollies.

She looks at Herman.

Herman: Kid you ok?
Emma: Fantastic.
Brett: Let's take a look at that hand.

Casey takes her inside with Brett. Patrol shows up and arrests the lady.

Herman: That's not something you see everyday.
Boden: You got that right.

Inside Brett wraps Emma's hand up.

Brett: Are u sure that she didn't hit you with her car?
Emma: No I threw myself out of the way in time.
Brett: Ok. It just looks like some scrapes. If you feel any worse please let someone know so we can get you to the hospital to get looked at.
Emma: I will. Thanks Sylvie.

Kelly comes walking in.

Kelly: Hey I saw the car and the police and everything out front everything ok?

Casey points at Emma.

Kelly: Emma your hand what happened?
Herman: Your girlfriend is now a deer.
Kelly: What?
Herman: She was mistaken for a deer by a tipsy women.
Kelly: You ok?
Emma: I'm fine the lady was drunk. Things could have been a lot worse.
Kelly: Are u hurt?
Emma: I scraped my hand other than that no.
Kelly: You left the hospital without me.
Emma: I don't need you to be with me every second. Im a grown women. I needed time to clear my mind. That's all. Alright?
Kelly: Ok. But next time let me know. So things like this don't happen.
Emma: Ok.
Herman: Alright everyone we are here to celebrate Emma joining 51. Drinks are on the house.

Everyone cheers. Herman comes over.

Herman: At least you weren't late this time.

Emma laughs. Kelly grabs her in a hug. She looks at him.

Kelly: What?
Emma: Nothing.

They go and sit down.

Kelly: How are you feeling about the whole thing?
Emma: What? The accident or this new job?
Kelly: Both of them.
Emma: Apparently I'm a deer now.
Kelly: Well you are pretty innocent.
Emma: Oh am I? Really?

He laughs. She looks down. He grabs her hand.

Kelly: Hey what's wrong?
Emma: Maybe this isn't for me. Running into burning buildings and all isn't putting bad guys in jail. I need to be apart of helping put guilty people away so innocence ones can sleep at night.
Kelly: You need to make the decision best for you Em.

Herman comes over.

Herman: Kelly mind if I snatch you for a minute?
Kelly: Sure. Em I'll be right back.

He gets up. Emma puts her head into her hands. Joe sees her crying. He goes and sits with her.

Joe: You ok?
Emma: Maybe I wasn't cut out for this.
Joe: We aren't all cut out for this. If your heart is telling you you belong somewhere else, stop waiting and go.

She looks at him trying to find the words to say to him.

Joe: It's been great having you with us.

He walks away. Kelly comes back.

Kelly: Are u ready to head out?
Emma: Yeah. Thanks Herman.

Next Day

Emma gets on the phone.

Emma: Hey can we meet up at the park?
Boden: Sure thing.

She pulls up and walks over to the fence. Boden hands her a coffee. They are walking around.

Emma: I'm stressed about this whole thing.
Boden: You aren't stressed over the fact of becoming a firefighter but over the fact that your heart is telling you something else. 
Emma: I want to be a police officer. I need to get back to the district.
Boden: I know you do. So do it.
Emma: I'm sorry.
Boden: No don't be. I knew it wasn't going to last. I've had you on a temporary spot. Voights orders.

Gun shots ring out. Emma grabs her side realizing she doesn't have a gun.

Emma: Hey hey Chicago PD get behind me!

PD comes running through the park. Boden and her grabs some kids and hide with them. Kevin jumps the guy and arrests him.

Adam: I knew you couldn't stay away from this action.

She laughs. Chief Boden comes over and hugs her.

Emma: Thank you.
Boden: Anytime you need relief or anything you know where to find me.

He nods to Voight walking away. The team hugs her.

Voight: It's nice to have you back.
Adam: Hell yeah it is.

As they get back to the district Jay is standing at the front desk with Trudy.

Adam: What are the odds you both come back the same day?

Everyone laughs. Jay hugs Emma.

Emma: How's you get here?
Jay: Will dropped me off.
Emma: Glad to have you back
Jay: Likewise.
Emma: Now what?
Adam: How about a murder case?

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now