Micheal Taylor

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Voight comes out the back of the bar. Jay is standing by his car talking with an officer. Hank walks over to Jay. The officer walks away.

Voight: Halstead what happened?
Jay: Emma got grabbed by a man who shoved her out of the building and into a car.

Voight: Alright Kim Hailey ask around with the people who were back there if they remember anything about the man. Try and get a description.

Kim and Hailey go over to a girl.

Hailey: Hey. We know a detective helped get you safely to the back room. She was then shoved out of the back of the bar. Did you happen to catch a glimpse of the guy who took her?
Girl: He was white, tall. I'm sorry that's all I remember. It all happened so fast.
Kim: Thanks any bit of information helps.

She hands her a card.

Kim: If you remember anything else you let us know.

Hailey looks at Kim.

Hailey: Great tall white man. That describes half of Chicago.

Kim and Hailey go over to Voight.

Kim: The girl that Emma was last with only knows that the guy was tall and white.
Voight: Alright I want this guy found and I want him found now. Whatever any of you have to do, understand?

They all nod. Kevin goes over to Jay.

Kevin: You good dude.
Jay: What if something happens to her?
Kevin: She'll be ok. Alright she's a tough girl.
Jay: I know but.
Hailey: Emma is going to be ok. She has gotten out of this situation before. She's worked as an undercover cop for years. She's done crazier things she'll be alright.

A car pulls up to a gas station. The man looks back and steps out. Emma slowly sits up and unlocks the door. She grabs her gun off the passenger seat and runs. She is a few feet from the firehouse. Her vision starts clouding. She collapses in the driveway. Casey walks out and sees someone laying in the driveway.

Casey: I need help!

Boden, Kelly, and Joe come running down.

Casey: Hey hey ma'am are you ok?

Casey turns over the women.

Casey: Oh my god Emma stay with me. You are going to be ok.

They pick Emma up and bring her into the firehouse. They lay her on one of the beds. Joe runs into the common room.

Joe: Brett, Foster we need help in the bunk room.

They go running in. Brett looks at Emma.

Brett: What happened?

Casey: No idea. She was laying in the driveway unconscious.

Foster brings the jumpbag in. Sylvie listens to Emmas breathing.

Voight picks up his phone.

Boden: Hank Emma is here at the firehouse. She was found laying out on the driveway bloody and unconscious. Brett and Foster are taking care of her. It looks like she is going to need the go to the hospital.
Voight: Ok Wallace she was kidnapped. We believe her ex Micheal Taylor is behind it. We will meet you there. Keep her safe.
Boden: Will do.

Brett: Joe I need you to get a neck brace out of the ambo. Capp I need the gurney. Herman I need you to help turn her so we can check her ribs and spine. (She feels her side) She has a couple of broken ribs I need to hold them in place till we get to the hospital. Tony can you get a splint out of the back.

Casey grabs Emmas hand.

Casey: I'm right here Em. Hang in there.

Boden comes over.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now